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Yesterday, I was reading an article online and got a blue screen telling me that my computer had a virus and that I needed to call their tech support for assistance in removing the virus. It also advised no shopping online until the virus had been taken off the computer. I did a "forced quit" as the only way to get rid of the popups. Now, my Webroot Antivirus Software wont do a scan. Not sure what to do next. Thanks!
Hello @,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,



THIS IS A SCAM!!  Neither Microsoft nor any other company sends emails, pop ups, or phone calls of any kind advising that you may have a problem.


I would advise contacting the support team with an issue such as this.


If Webroot is detecting something as a threat that is not, they can remote in and  they will check your computer for you free of charge with an active subscription.


Support Number: 1-866-612-4227

Support Ticket:


Also add a good free Ad Blocker like the ones suggested below:


For Internet Explorer Ad Block Plus:


For Firefox uBlock: or Privacy Badger:


Google Chrome uBlock: or Privacy Badger:


Hope this helps,


Kind Regards,



I did contact the support team. I was told they would call me back and I have not heard anything. My Webroot is not picking up anything because it appears to have been disabled. It will not scan. I'm not sure what I can do. No one has called me back and I can't run my antiviurs. So I'm stuck. 


Hello Joyce,


I'm so sorry about this and I'm sure support will reach you. I will @ or @ to see if they can check on your support ticket?


You can in the meantime if you are capable and see if Webroot wil scan in Safe Mode. Can you try this below?


Can you run a deep scan in Safe Mode with Networking the instructions on how to do so are shown below. 


1. Start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking. For instructions on starting in Safe Mode with Networking

2. Open Webroot SecureAnywhere from the tray, start menu or desktop icon.

3. Click on the cog icon next to 'PC Security'.

4. Open the 'Scan & Shields' tab.

5. Click the 'Custom Scan' button.

6. The default scan option is 'Deep'. Click Scan.

This will start a Deep Scan of your system. Please allow this scan to complete and remove any threats found. Once the scan is complete, you may restart your system normally. And please let us know if your issue persist as you may need to Submit a Support Ticket for further Expert help free of charge with your Active Subscription.



Please let us know if you were able to do this or not.



Hello @,


I have taken a look at your ticket and currently have management looking into this.

You should be contacted today to have this issue resolved.


Best Regards,
Thank you @ for your kind assistance!
Hello @,


One of our technicians contacted you this morning but it went straight to voicemail.


They will try again later in the day but if you could update your ticket and provide a good time for them to reach you, that would be great.

Best Regards,
Unfortunately, I stayed home all day long yesterday waiting for someone to call me back and I never got a call. Unfortunately, I can't sit by my phone all day waiting for a call that may or may not come. I'm not sure what to do. I don't know how to start a MAC in safe mode. I can do it on a PC, but not the MAC. 
Hi Joyce,


I'm sorry I didn't ask you if you were dealing with a Mac computer. It would be best not to mess with Webroot in Safe Mode. We need to have Support fix this issue for you. Especially since we are dealing with this issue. I could tell you how to go into Safe Mode but I'm not advising that now.


Could you go back and update your ticket and provide a good time for Support to reach you as @ has suggested in the last post?


I know you have been very patient and I'm asking that you hold on and let the Support Team handle this.


I will also reach out to our Mac Threat Reseacher @ and see if he can assist here.


Thank you,



Kind Regards,

I'm getting a little frustrated. I don't know how to update the ticket to address this problem. Since this has to be sent to yet another place, I'm guessing that I'm going to have to wait a few more days? Providing anyone is able to call me back? Sorry, but this has been 3 days now and if it's not fixable, then I'll just use my iPad. 

Hello ?


Well I can guarantee that the Webroot Support Team can and will reach out to fix your Mac computer. Tomorrow our Mac Threat Reseacher will assist you and ? will help you too. I've pinged both of them and don't worry. I have a Mac computer running Webroot and I know support can fix this for you quickly.


Did you submit a Support Ticket? If you did all you have to do is go back to support and put in the password that they emailed to you and add to your support form.the time and hours you are available.



Kind Regards,
Hello Joyce,

What you are describing is a safari hijacking script.  It is disigned to scare people into calling the number and giving them money.  What you will need to do is reset Safari and remove the saved state file.  This can be a little difficult for someone if they are not very fimilar with the mac structure, however you can give our support team a call or let me know when you are available and I will have someone reach out to you with the instructions on how to fix this.  Please let me know what will work best for you and we will get this resolved for you.




I understand it's a ploy to get people to call their supposed "tech support". I've tried resetting Safari a few times and my Webroot will still not scan my computer. Up until this time, I had no issues with it. 


I have come across this recently, you will need to call our support team as this type of infection has lots of parts that will need to be removed by our team.
Thanks for the help. I've tried calling tech support .. was told they would call me back the following day. That call never came so I came here. Since I've been here, I've had two calls (according to my phone) and both were at random times when I was not home. I was told to submit a new repair tickect .. which I'm not sure how to do and soeone would get in touch with me. Id like to get this resolved, but I can't be home waiting for calls that don't come or come when I'm not home. It doesn't seem as though I can call and get it fixed at a time. 
If you put in your ticket when a good time to call you is, then support can schedule it at the time you'll be home. Or you can call in when you are home:
Well .....


I've had this malware/virus for a long time now and I don't know what to do to get rid of it. I've tried placing a ticket, then find out that it has to be someone who deals with MAC computers. Then people call me back when I'm at work or in the car driving. It's never been when it's convenient for me. What scares me is how many viruses and other crap I've picked up with this virus disabling my Webroot Anti-virus. I'm wondering if I'm just going to have to get a new computer? Unfortunately, I can't sit at home waiting for someone to call. I'm frustrated. 


Add to that ... the one comment I got from Webroot was this is a ploy to get people to enter their information. Yes, I get that ... but it has completely disabled my antivirus software. 


Hello JoyceAnn,


I am really sorry that you are having this frustration. I understand completely. I can ask ? if he can esculate this issue, Our hands here are tied.  We are only Volunteers here trying to help and guide.



Getting a new computer is costly and Support here is free with a subscription. ;)



Again I hope we can get you some help soon at a suitable time for you.



Kind Regatds,
I'll check on the ticket and see if I can get someone to take care of it ASAP.
Ok I checked on the ticket and it looks like the last communication from our side was a request for a good time to call you.  You don't have to be sitting by the phone, just a block of time when you'll be at home and able to answer the phone.
My schedule is different from day to day because of work. The two phone calls I received from Webroot occured when I was in my car driving to or from work. When I filed the original ticket for this, it was on a Sunday (I believe). I was told someone would call me the following day. That never happened. I sat at home all day waiting for someone to call. Then I was told that it has to be taken care of by someone who does MAC computers. I read the message on the thread by someone that was supposed to be helpful ... telling me that it was just a ploy to get people to give up info ... yet my antivirus is disabled. If I call when I'm home, would someone be able to fix it then or do I have to schedule another day off to wait for a call that wont come?


Are you available right now so we can get this taken care of for you?
hi joyce did you get your problem sorted out ?
No .... and I fear what else my computer has picked up with antivirus that isn't working. Not like I go to a lot of sites, but apparently I picked up something nasty enough to completely disable the Webroot completely. 

Please update your ticket and we will make sure that one of our Advanced Malware Removal engineers gives you a call.  Please do not uninstall and reinstall Webroot as this will remove information that we can use to help you.

