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concerned about ransom ware. DOes anyone have information how to avoid it?
Hi JImGreen


Welcome to the Community Forums.


From what I have read the vast majority of ransomware is currently delivered via email as an attachment or similar payload which is 'activated' when the recipient of the email clicks on the attachment to open it.


Therefore the principle things to do in relation to this is make sure that you know who the email is from & that you are expecting it, and if you don't know/are not then delete the email...if it is important and the peson who sent it really needs to contact you then they will send it again. But whatever you do you should not open any attachment that you have the slightest doubt about the provenance of.


And then of course make sure that you are running WSA, which has significant anti ransomware fucntionality built into it.


You may also find this KB Article of some use in relation to your question.


Hope that is of some assistance?


Regards, Baldrick
