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Hi I was wondering if it is possible to remove the "permanently erase with webroot" context menu option? 😃
Hello skribb and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


Have you tried doing a clean reinstall of WSA because you shouldn't have that in the AV only version? Uninstall reboot and download a fresh JoeJ the V.P. of Development.


We recently added a registry value to remove it - if you create a new DWORD value under HKLMSoftwareWRData (or on x64 - HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeWRData) named NoRightClickErase with a value of 1, you will no longer receive the right click menu for erasing files.




Hello skribb, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃


With the last version of Webroot "Antivirus" I believe you could uncheck this option and it would stay in place until the next update from the cloud which would overwrite the selected option.  in the latest version of Webroot "Antivirus" I do not see that option in the menus. 


Can Webroot not come up with a simple solution to solve this without editing the registry?  Some people share a computer within the family, etc, and the primary user may not want someone having such easy access to permanently deleting a file.  Editing the registry is not a good option for your typical PC user. 




[Edit - this information is incorrect, see posts below]

Hi @ 


WSA > Advanced Settings > Secure Erase


Unfortunately Webroot still needs to work out some flaws in the usability of its interface (especially when it comes to the Secure Erase and System Optimizer features), but the option is there.



@ could you update your post? :cathappy:
@ it's not available on the AV only version just the Complete version please see here: Makes deleted files unrecoverable
Hello BobLouder and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


Sorry my mistake yes you could remove the context menu items like Scan with Webroot in the 2013 version and it's not in the 2014 versions.




Daniel 😉
Are you referring to: "Makes deleted files unrecoverable"?


In the current version of Webroot "Antivirus", the "Permanently erase with Webroot" shows up in the contect menu, even if it is not supposed to be a feature.  They are aware of the issue.  


If I am missing something, please elaborate.




Hi @ 

Yep, you and @ are correct - I was wrong. Sorry for the misinformation and I have updated my post.
It's part of the System Optimizer which is in only the Complete version so I'm stumped that you have it.


Question: does it work, or just listed there but not functional?  I know the versions that do not have Backup & Synch still have it listed in the UI, it just isnt functional.  The user is brought to the upgrade page when they try to use it.. maybe the same is true of the secure erase ?
Triple Helix,


You know, i guess I should get away from the computer as I thought JoeJ had posted on here and I was sending to him.  (insert stupid icon)


It is a known issue.  Even some of the Webroot tech support staff have been stumped.  In fact, one that probably should not have been messing with my registry this summer (first guy).  The second knew what he was doing and quickly solved the issue. 








Yes, it works.  Just deleted a file.  Webroot support went onto my computer and made a change to the registry (last version, 2013, I think).  Just loaded latest version on family member computer and we do not want it on there and I assume the only solution still is to edit the registry.  A lot of people do not have the technical skills or time to do that.  THey just want to install, adjust the settings and move on to the next thing in life.




Triple Helix,


I'm wondering if they decided that was the fix (from 2013 to 2014) ... just don't have it as an option anymore to remove it from context menu.


My 2014 trial version Webroot Antivirus has the context menu erase feature and it works. No settings to remove it . CCleaner->Tools->Startup->Context Menu allows you to disable it but also seems to disable the ability to right click Scan. There are two entries here the file entry did the trick. Also reenabled without problem. (Not sure this is much easier than a registry fix, but probably safer in some mine.)


Thanks!  While that would not work great for me as I use the scan feature occasionally, for the purpose of the family member laptop that I just installed on, this will work.  I'm not sure how someone without CCleaner gets this job done; I guess install CCleaner 🙂.


Again thanks, that was very helpful.



Glad to help.Hopefully, the setting will be put back in soon, so it will be easier to set it as one desires. Tom
That is definitely odd - the menu option shouldn't be showing if the feature isn't included in your license key. Could you send me a private message with your keycode so that I can take a look?


JoeJ, Not sure if you wanted to look at BobLouder's key or mine. PM sent, hope it helps. ( the context menu items don't bother me but would be nice to choose whether they are there or not). Very nice product, keep up the good work! Tom
Hi Kytom


Having read through this thread a couple of observations, if I may?


First, have you contributed/posted what you are suggesting (which is a good idea, BTW) to the Ideas Exchange (see top of this page for link in case you missed it)?  This is a good way to make a suggestion know in the Community, to garner other members view & support & to track what is happening with a suggestion, etc.  If you have not yet done so then I heartily recommend that you do.  If you already have then apologies. ;)


Second, if you wish to attract the attention of a forum member due to mentioning them in a post, when they might not already be subscribed to the thread, you can prefix their username with an "@" and that should send them a message to that effect; for example:  , and now you should get not only a notificaiton of a reply but a separate one indicating a mention.  Again, if you now all of this then my apologies...I was intending to be helpful not condesending, etc.










@ wrote:

JoeJ, Not sure if you wanted to look at BobLouder's key or mine. PM sent, hope it helps. ( the context menu items don't bother me but would be nice to choose whether they are there or not). Very nice product, keep up the good work! Tom
I suppose and @ did ask a question to Joe.


Hi Baldrick, Thanks for the tips. I'm quite new to posting etc. and any advice is appreciated. My first post was only to try to help BobLouder with his immediate problem with the context menu. I don't think it's a great solution and the impression I get from reading the thread is that the Antivirus either shouldn't have these context options or that there should be a menu option to not have them. It seems the ultimate solution is with Webroot and I'm glad that JoeJ is looking into it. Thanks again, I'm here to learn. Tom
Hi Tom


No problem at all.  Glad to be of help where I can...and whilst I have been a little longer than you (but not as long as some of our guru bretheren 😉 and they know who they are) I am still learning every time I visit the Community...that is why it is such a great place.  :D


Hopefully we are all here to help each other how ever much each of us knows or does not keep up with the pitching in.  Look forward to bumping into you (not literally, of course) in the future. :D


All the best


Thanks for the help! We'll be looking into this shortly and will let you know what we find.
Thanks Joe for the update!


Daniel 😉
Thanks everyone for the information on this issue. I've reproduced it and will have it corrected in one of the next updates, which will be noted in the changelog.


Thanks again!
