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Hello, Im fairly new to webroot. I just recently renewed my subscription and when I opened the app on my laptop, it says that my subscription is expired even though everything seems to be running fine. Is this common?
Hi bgprospect10


Welcome to the Community Forums.


This is may be a case case of a 'pseudo' renewal. Have you renewed and gotten a new keycode? If so then what you have in effect done is not renewed (if you had 'really' renewed the additional time would have been added to your existing keycode/subscription) but effectively bought a new subscription as evidenced by the new keycode that you have entered.


So what is actually happening is that your 'old' subscription and the new are running concurrently and the expiry message is coming from the 'old' keycode that still has time on it....and will most likely continue with the warnings until full expiry has occurred. The only way I know of to stop the warning is to Open a Support Ticket and ask the Support Team to cancel the 'old' subscription.


If you have not used a new keycode then post back to let us know and we aill have to investigate further.


Regards, Baldrick
