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Was looking at the WSA UI and it said last scan took 1 second.

I know WSA is fast but that seems a bit too fast.

Any ideas?




Hi Tony


I would try a manual scan and see how long that one takes. YOu are quite right in that a 1 second scan is super fast even by WSA's usual alacrity. And if you can reprodce that then I would carry out an uninstall/clean reinstall (just let us know if you need guidance on that) and see if that resolves the 'issue'.


Regards, Baldrick
I started a scan manually and it took 51 seconds from start to finish.

Af that there was a windows update installed and the scan took about 2 minutes.

I presume WSA was examining the new files.

I was using the system when the 1 second scan took place and maybe the scan aborted?



Did you happen to right click on a file and do a scan with WSA?



I don't recall doing a right click scan.

Windows update was in progress and I was using the system browsing.

I have re set the time for the scan to occur when Im least likely to be using the



