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I have Google Chrome running on Vista. Google has stopped supporting Chrome with security updates. I also have SecureAnywhere v9.0.8.72 on the same machine. Will SecureAnywhere protect the unsupported Chrome; or do I need to replace the machine?
Hello ?


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


I believe Webroot will protect all browsers with the Webfilter Webshields. Please look here at the PC User Guide


You do not need to replace PC. But you could use a different browser such as Firefox if you wanted to.


Webroot will protect Windows Vista. 


EDITED:I would like to ping ? and see if he has any advice here?

Hi rjaber1414


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Sherry is quite right that any browser (as can any application handling your data) can be protected by registering it under the Identity Shield (under Application Protection). Usually, the main browsers are automatically registered by WSA but some are not and therefore one has to do this manually.


If you require guidance in how to do that then please post back and one of us will assist.


Regards, Baldrick
Thank you Baldrick for your assistance. I knew I was missing something! 😉
Most welcome, Sherry...most welcome. ;)
Thank you Sherry & Baldrick, both. I found the Application Protection page. There are several listings of Chrome and they are all checked in the protected tab. I thought my only option was to replace the PC with a newer OS and browser that was currently supported. I tried Firefox - slower than dial up. Many thanks, you've been most helpful.
Hi rjaber1414


You are most welcome...we are always happy to assist where we can.


Just let us know if you have any further questions.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi rjaber1414


Again you are very welcome!


Happy we could assist!:D
