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I downloaded the software last week for the first time last week. It took a long time (multiple hours) to load and go through the optimization process.

When the software would run on startup, it would get to about 70% within 2 minutes, then would take 1 to 1 1/2 hours to complete the scan. During that time my whole system would lockup until it was done. After the scan compleyes, all is well. I unloaded and reloaded the software, and it is sitting at 70% for the system optimization for the last 4 hours.

I am running this on a newer laptop, with windows 7, a fast processor (intel 7 series, plenty of ram, & very low hard drive in use), nothing special for the software, and a strong Fios connection. Any thoughts, because I am about to give up!
Hi snowybuffalo


A belated welcome to the Community Forums.


My apologies but it looks like your post has fallen into a let me try to make amends now.


What you are describing really does not sound right as WSA should install in 2-3 minutes max depending on the system so the many hours your are descsribing is not right.


Is WSA the only AV/IS that yo are running on your system or do you have something else that you have been using and you have kept on your system and enabled when you are installing and/or scanning with WSA?  If so then it may be worthwhile disabling it in those circumstances to see if that helps.  Generally, WSA should play well with other AVs/ is designed to but there are a couple of other security apps where we know there are some issues.


I see you have tried uninstalling/reinstalling but what I am going to suggest is what we call a clean reinstall, which one does as follows:


  • Make sure you have a copy of your Keycode
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a copy here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click here)
  • Uninstall WSA and REBOOT
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and DO NOT import any previous settings if the installer offers the option; you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • REBOOT once again
Now check out everything that was causing you an issue...if this has fails to resolve the problem, you may need to contact Support for assistance.


If your subscription is directly through Webroot, you will need to contact Webroot Support.  You can do so by submitting a Support Ticket if you have not already done so, or by phone during business hours.  (The online Ticketing system is manned 24/7)


If your subscription is through Best Buy Subscription Software services, you may need to call them at 1-800-GEEK-SQUAD.


Please keep us posted on how you progress on this as we may be able to offer further advice if required.


Regards, Baldrick
