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I was just using a trial copy of secureanywhere with still 12 days to run as trial period, being satisfied of the product I had the folish idea to purchase a full 1 year license today. I uninstalled the trial copy, dl a fresh one from the link provided in the mail invoice, installed, entered seiral license supplied with the invoice but keep stuck with a trial copy and 12 days to run !

Pls help me out
What does it say when oyu try to activate the new keycode? If you are having problems with the keycode it might be a good idea to wait a few hours for the keycode to go live on the Webroot database.
Hi yeoldfart


Welcome to the Webroot Community. :D


Glad to have you with us...but sorry that it is due to you experiencing a problem...but that is what we are here for...amongst other things. ;)


So if I understand correctly you had the trial installed, purchased a 1 year license, uninstalled the trail (which was not actually required...for future reference), installed the latest downloaded version, and entered the new license when prompted to during the install...OR not?


If NOT then you should be able to activiate at any time by clicking on the 'My Account' tab in the main GUI, and then entering the new license code in the field provided to the right of the 'Keycode' tab, and then clicking 'Activate', which should then communicate with Webroot and validate/activate the entered license code.


If you have not tried that then please do so, and post back as to the result...and we will take it from there.








thank you for your reactivity, I did as instructed (which is the exact procedure I followed for the 1st time), without any result: WSA main gui still says "12 remaining days" as before.
one more precision: web console says "key already activated" weird isn't it ?
Hi Yof (a bit shorter that yeoldfart...if you don't mind ;))


Hmmmmmmm!  OK, that is interesting.  At the risk of sounding clichique please try an uninstall, reboot and clean install (making sure (i) you DO NOT say yes to any offer to re-use your previous settings and (ii) when prompted you enter the new license code and then activate).


Let's see what that does/if that resolves the issue otherwise the next step will be to log a Support Ticket (there is a link under  the Support/Community tab that will take you to the right web page...if it comes to that).







Yof just fine :))

performe the whole routine again: clean uninstall with webroot ugrade/uninstall tool, cleaned remnants by hand, rbooted, cleaned with CCleaner, made clean install... same s***

I guess someone with admin rights on Webroot side will have to manually clean my console ? issue a new license key ?

btw it's a direct purchase from Webroot following their offer by mail.

Thx anyway

Hi Yof (I like the monicker)


Sorry to hear that what has been suggested has not resolved the issue for you.  Was going to suggest CC or the like for an extra deep clean but you beat me to it...:p


Best advice I can offer is to log a Support Ticket and one of the Support folk should pick that up and act upon it fairly promptly.


Mike,@MikeR, if you are around, is there any way to fastpath this for yeoldfart, or is the support ticket route best given that it looks like a straight license code issue rather than the installation itself? :@


Hope that you get this resolved.  It is little consolation to say that you have 12 days left of the trail but at least you are now protected by, IMHO, one of the very best available, and the license issue should be resolved in those 12 days...but if yo are still having trouble when closer to that deadline do not hesitate to come back to the Community.  We are here to try and make the Webroot great.


Have a peaceful weekend.






thanks for your friendly help and trying, I appreciated it as it's rather uncommon these days ! btw I'm also a beta tester (NIS 2014, Bullguard 2014) and do prefer Webroot... this experience leads me as you do to think it's a weird license/web account mess.

I hope it should not last 12 days 😉 to solve.

These kind of issues is usually easily resolved by support at their backend. So as Baldrick has suggested please open a support ticket and I bet your issue will be fixed till end of weekend.
Hi Yof


Good to know...with that sort of experience under your belt we will soon have you chipping in and fielding questions if anyone should have need of Bullguard or Symantec-related insights in conjunction with WSA.  I beta test Kaspersky (KIS) and run both KIS 2014 & WSA Complete together on the same system...and they completement each other nicely.


Let us know when your issue is resolved by Support and hopefully see you around in the Community Forums going forward. :D





Hello yeoldfart and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


You're in good hands with Baldrick & pegas in the end the support ticket is the way to go.


Daniel ;)

just completed the form minutes ago, thank u.

may I ask an "off topic" question ? in which country are u living ? I'm in northern France 🙂
@ wrote:

just completed the form minutes ago, thank u.

may I ask an "off topic" question ? in which country are u living ? I'm in northern France :)

From all folks participating in this thread I guess I am closest to you, I live in the heart of Europe. ;)


EDIT: seeing Baldrick's post I am probably the second closest. :D
Moi j'habite au Pays de Galles (Wales...for those who don't)...speak French as well but am British through and through.  I think that we in the Community come from all over.


Perhaps the others will make their locations known?
I'm Canadian about 30km from Toronto! Eh. 😃 Also here is a good place to post where you from as others did!


good bye folks, it's been a pleasant exchange,  have a nice evening 🙂
just got a message from WR Support which says in short that it's a problem due to WR infrastructure services, nothing related either to my rig nor to WR Secure, a solution is being researched".
@ wrote:

just got a message from WR Support which says in short that it's a problem due to WR infrastructure services, nothing related either to my rig nor to WR Secure, a solution is being researched".

Thanks for keeping us informed. While I am glad that support has replied timely I am surprised to learn that changing from trial to full license is a trouble. Somebody is trialing software and after certain period he(she) decides to swap for full version. OMG, this is the usual procedure, isn't it?


Sorry to say but it is a hardly excusable bug that needs to be resolved immediately otherwise new users experiencing this issue will go elsewhere.
Hi Yof


Glad to hear that you have an answer to your issue.  As pegas said it is a little concerning given the reason...but if anyone can fix it quick it is Webroot.


Hope that this little 'glitch' has not put you off and that we will see you around in the Community Forums in the future.  We really are a nice bunch. :D


Have a great week.





solved tonight by webroot 🙂 quick and efficient reactivity on their side too !

it takes much more to put me off as you wrote, being myself a beta tester and forum moderator I'mable to appreciate when people really want to help and behave as professionals.

I'll come back here regularly whenever my own experience with this product would help others.

Friendly yours
Hi Yof


Thanks for your further reply.  Glad to hear that the Webroot Support Team sorted you out...they are a really efficient bunch who have helped me out a few times...and always in a very efficient & professional manner.  It is what makes Webroot one of the very best out there. :D


We look forward to welcoming you it is very much all for one and one fo please pitch in whenever you feel you can help...especially with your background. :D


Have a great week.





