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I had  year subscription when I bought my new laptop. Now my subscription is expiring tomorrow. I got a message telling me. In this message, it says I should renew through Geek Squad and directs me to a site to renew asking for my cedit card. It has my name on the page, It seems legit. But the web page is not secure, or so it seems. Site info indicates it is not fully secure page. How can a securiy product ask me to input my financial info on a web page that isnt secure? I do not remember if I got my original security through Geek Squad. Is this pop up message legitimate? What will happen if my security isnt renewed tomorrow? How can I make sure I am doing this correctly. 

Can anyone please give me some direction .... I greatly appreciate any help. I'm not tech savvy at all.


Thank you in advance.
Greetings MichellePR, nothing against Best Buy, but  when my Webroot Subscription is up for a renewal I ALWAYS renew it DIRECTLY from WEBROOT.
Hello MichellePR,


Welcome to the Webroot Community,


Webroot gives you 30 days to renew after your subscription expires. Webroot will continue to protect you. If you do not want to put your credit card information online, which I would be leary of myself. You can call Best Buy Geek Sqaud at 1-800-Geek-Squad and they will be able to assist you. If you are not sure where you got your Webroot subscription you can always call Webroot online at this number during business hours and they can also help you.

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (MST) 



Edited: I also agree with  @ that you can easily go through Webroot directly...


Hope this helps?
Thank you for the info.
Thank you. I appreciate the information.
You are most welcome Michelle!:D


I am in the UK and have been a Webroot user for many years, I do have a question which has prompted me to join the community.


Why is cheaper to buy a new install than it is to renew?


When I fail to renew I get the "Sorry you have left us" emails offering me a  discount to renew, of course by this time I have already purchased a new install. Why not offer me the renewal at the discounted price straight away, us retired people have to watch the pennies?


I find Webroots marketing in respect to renewals quite odd, if you have a repeat customer why risk loosing them :S


I like the product but  I do wish that some of the old Window Washer functionality could be added back in.


Hi Dragonfly


Welcome to the Community Forum.


This question has been asked many a time and the answer is always the policy. Webroot, like many vendors in many markets, have a pricing policy which invariably gets under cut by 3rd parties...and rather than react to that they stick with their policy, which some people will follow, yet still get a number of renewals via the cheaper 3rd they get something rather than nothing because at the end of the day it is the 3rd parties who have, by definition, to take the cut in margin to get the business. So either way Webroot win and get a number of renewals at a higher price than if they cut prices to compete with the 3rd parties.


As for "old Window Washer functionality could be added back in" could always open a feature request at the Ideas Exchange...but personally I doubt it would succeed given that WRSA is a much, much different beast to what Window Washer comparing apples & pears in my humble opinion.


Regards, Baldrick
There is a flaw with the marketing policy, once you realise that the renewal price is not the lowest price you start to look around,  this is an opportunity for Webroot's competitors products. 


Being a long time user I fully appreciate that the current product is much more sophisticated than the old Windows Washer but the manner in which Windows Washer allowed the user to deal with Cookies was very innovative at the time, it was only this subsection of functionality that I was referring to. I understand that many Webroot users, like me, use CCleaner, a product that acts very much like Windows Washer.

Being a long time user I fully appreciate that the current product is much more sophisticated than the old Windows Washer but the manner in which Windows Washer allowed the user to deal with Cookies was very innovative at the time, it was only this subsection of functionality that I was referring to. I understand that many Webroot users, like me, use CCleaner, a product that acts very much like Windows Washer.


Hi, @. You might want to kudo my Ideas Exchange proposition here, or maybe add some further thoughts of your own to my suggestion.


It is also worth adding that @ states in that thread that they are actively looking, if possible, towards implementing this feature 😃
Hi Muddy7


I think the addition of some of the CCleaner functionality would only enhance the current Webroot product I have clicked on the kudo. :D
Hi @


You knew Window Washer. I didn't. Maybe you can see some features regarding cookies in the old Windows Washer that I don't mention in my post. If so, and if you think they might further enhance this proposed addition, you should certainly add your comments to that thread 😉


I think much of CCleaner's Cookie functionality is "very similar" the old Window Washer.

There is a flaw with the marketing policy, once you realise that the renewal price is not the lowest price you start to look around,  this is an opportunity for Webroot's competitors products. 


Being a long time user I fully appreciate that the current product is much more sophisticated than the old Windows Washer but the manner in which Windows Washer allowed the user to deal with Cookies was very innovative at the time, it was only this subsection of functionality that I was referring to. I understand that many Webroot users, like me, use CCleaner, a product that acts very much like Windows Washer.

Perhaps, but how ever one markets one will always lose some, and that for numerous reasons...and from the quarterly results Webroot do not appear to be losing out. ;)


As for cookies...well, I believe that most people today are much less concerned about them than they were back in the day...and quite rightly so...most are relatively inoffensive and, yes, they may hold data on the user but usually that is benign...unlike the myriad other, more surreptitious mechanism now in place for tracking user, etc. So WRSA, Complete & Gamer versions do clean Flash Cookies...and those can be more malevolent that other cookies.


Personally I prefer a 'master of a few key trades' rather than a 'jack of all trades' so in my opinion, with the likes of CCleaner, to name but one option, there are many great specialist cookie cleaners out why add bloatware to the lean & mean WRSA?


Just my opinion...for what it is worth. ;)
I see that WebRoot are already considering the inclusion the cookie cleanerexcluder as part of the Utilities.


Webroots quarterly results may not appear to be losing out but the problem is if they do start to decline then its often very difficult, and costly, to reverse the trend. Much better to be proactive than reactive, companies should always attempt to retain their existing customers, attracting new customers is far more costly than the retention of their existing customer base. The idea is similar to a shepherd and his sheep, you don't want to give your customers the opportunity to stray as you may  loose them permanently.:D

As I stated previously...the System Optimizer in the Complete & Gamer versions already deal with Flash Cookies...let's not add bloat to what is the best AM available.


As for customer retention I believe that WRSA users, whilst they do like the lowest price possible, are smart enough not to fall for the lower priced and less performant products out there...after all...just because the price of the replacement Audi is higher than the current model you own but need to replace does not mean that you go out and buy Kia or the like...LOL.


I am sure that WRSA users are prepared to pay for quality...I know I am. ;)


But enough said...we clearly are going to have to agree to disagree.
@ wrote:

As I stated previously...the System Optimizer in the Complete & Gamer versions already deal with Flash Cookies...let's not add bloat to what is the best AM available..

Not wanting to argue, but the Webroot developers seem to disagree with you on that one. Just saying.

@ wrote:

As I stated previously...the System Optimizer in the Complete & Gamer versions already deal with Flash Cookies...let's not add bloat to what is the best AM available..

Not wanting to argue, but the Webroot developers seem to disagree with you on that one. Just saying.

They are looking at it/considering it...and I sincerely hope that they come to the conclusion that their time & efforts are better spent on maintaining WRSA's position as one of the best, if not the best, AM out there in term of its CORE mission.


But as you say, Muddy7...'just saying!' ;)
@ wrote:

...WRSA's position as one of the best, if not the best, AM out there in term of its CORE mission.
Well there's one thing, Solly, we can heartily agree on!


Changing the subject, weather rather grey this morning in north-west Belgium. How's it doing in north EDIT: south 😠 Wales??
