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System Analyzer automatically starting
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Is anyone else having a problem with System Analyzer starting without their starting it?  Support tells me that it can only be started manually.  I have never started it manually, but it runs and opens it's analysis screen at some rather inopportune times on my system.  This began about a month ago after my last renewal.  I would like to be able to schedule when it runs, rather than have it just open it's analysis screen whenever it wants to do so.
Hello rcw4321 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


Read this thread:


Disable scheduled optimization




Thank you



Hi rcw4321


And welcome to the Community Forums...nice to have you hear...


As Petrovic was implying you can enable/disable the SystemOptimizer running from the Advanced Settings...what is very strange is that this feature is not enabled by default on install or if you find it on then how that happened is somewhat strange and unusual to say the least.


To schedule when it runs yo will need to enable the option in Advanced Settings, as indicated by Petrovic in his post, and set your schedule with the options provided...but if you do that and do not want it to scan when you do not require it to then you should make sure that the "Run at Boot UP if the system was off at the Scheduled time' option is UNCHECKED.


Hopefully that clarifies things for you somewhat?  If not then please post back and one of us I am sure will respond/see what we can do to help further.


Have a great weekend.






Thank you for the reply, but when I go to the "Advanced Settings" and select  "Scheduler" I do not have a tab for the "System Optimizer" , just for the "Scan Schedule".  I also just ran a manual  update to be sure I haven't missed an update.  I'm currently at version 
apparently I do not understand your question and answered about system optimizer


System Analyzer can only be started manually.

 Using the System Analyzer


Have you tried reinstall of WSA?
The Analyzer does not normally start by itself, nor is there a scheduler for it.  I have a question or two though:


When did this first start happening?


There is a standalone download of the Analyzer, would perhaps this have been placed onto the computer?


Have you had the computer serviced in any way, in person or remotely, during which a standalone version of the Analyzer might have been used?
This is the AV only forum so you would not have System Analyzer or System Optimizer unless you have the Gamer version then that has System Optimizer but like David said it could be the stand alone System Analyzer here: so can you confirm that you have any of these two?




I did a search of my entire system for "Analyzer" and did not find any .exe files that appear to be the Webroot System Analyzer.  I did find the output logs from the analyzer runs.  It is not as random as I thought and is occurring once a week on Thursdays at about 5:30pm, give or take a few minutes.  The first log is dated February 20.  The first line of that log reads:

"Thu 2014-02-20 16:29:25                           System Analysis completed in 93 seconds (v8.0.4.57)"


The only maintenance done to the system  has been done by me.  That consisted of installing Microsoft critical/security patches.  I do this manually every couple of weeks.  I do not allow automatic updates to any of my systems.


I am going to search my system for anything that that was added between 2/12 and 2/21.  Since it did not run on 2/13 perhaps I can find what is triggering it that way. 
Can you tell us what product you have is it the AV only? Please see here to find out as is says on there Complete?




The product shows just as "Antivirus".  I have not intentionally installed a standalone version of the System Analyzer.


The scan of my system for items installed just from just before this started to just after the first occurance reminded me of one other change to the system.  On February 20, the first date of the occurance, I replaced my failed Canon MX700 with a new Canon MX922.  That installed a bunch of new software for the scanner.  I don't see how that should cause this, but that is just a bit too coincidental.  


Since I now have a repeating time frame for this, perhaps the best course of action would be to uninstall Webroot next Thursday before 5:30pm and see if the Analyzer still runs.  If it does, then there must be a standalone copy hidden somewhere.



That is quite interesting, to say the very least.  Please let us know what happens Thursday!
@ and your sure your seeing System Analyzer ? Did you have a Trial of Complete and installed the AV keycode and not removed SA part so a clean reinstall of WSA with a reboot in between could clear this issue?






Well, I uninstalled WebRoot Secure AnyWhere AntiVirus at 3:30pm today.  The System Analyzer, that had been starting at 5:30pm on Thursdays did NOT start today, and had not as of 9:00pm this evening.  So it appears that WebRoot itself is the culprit and not a hidden installation of the System Analyzer. 


I have reinstalled WebRoot.  If the problem reoccurs, I will post back here again.


Thanks everyone.
Can you tell me what product you have as you can see in my picture I have Complete I want to make sure you have the AV only or Complete like me then if you have Complete it does have System Analyzer.






It does not say "Complete". 


It says:

Product            AntiVirus



Under Advanced Settings -> Scheduler   There is only one tab "Scan Schedule"
Well this is very strange indeed can you please Submit a Support Ticket so they can look at your scan log and they will for sure know if you have System Analyzer also please let us know the outcome as this is very interesting!




Daniel 😉
Actually I submitted a problem report/support ticket before posting anything to the forum.  They asked me to run their log gathering utility and submit those.  I did.  Their reply was there was nothing wrong and the System Analyzer could not start by itself.  They suggested uninstalling and reinstalling the WebRoot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus.  Ultimately that is what I did, and it does appear to have ended the automatic starts.  I will wait a week to be sure though. 


Even if this does resolve the problem, the solution is not very satisfying in that it does not explain why it suddenly started running once a week, where is came from or how it was being started.  And yes it was the "System Analyzer" not the "System Optimizer".  The registry had an entry for "SystemAnalyzerScore", and still does.


If it does not start again by next Friday, I will come back here and mark this as the accepted solution.
It is indeed very very curious... as your case is the only one documented that I am aware of that the Analyzer was running automatically.  I certainly look forward to seeing your post Friday!
You want to hear a funny story!! System Analyzer Standalone does not even install it just runs from the user space I just tried on one of my VM's then decided to go to the Download page and it explains it doesn't install so I don't what you have? Have you seen this Web Page before?


And here is the Direct Download link:

Webroot System Analyzer Standalone Download Link:


I really wonder if it was somehow added to Task Scheduler?
:8 Well I wouldnt of thought of that but it sounds possible doesn't it, DavidP1970, need to check that out on my systems because I've always started the analyzer manually.
The Standalone App must be somewhere so I would do a search for syswranalyzer.exe 




Just to show it does not add any Tasks in Task Scheduler so I would do the search then look for the Task in Task Scheduler!  Win 7 below!






Side note: If the executable is located in a hidden directory, I do not think whole computer search will show it unless you have showing hidden directories enabled. For example, C:Users<Username>AppData is hidden, and that's where your temporary internet files are stored.


I recommend you use Sysinternals Autoruns then go to Files > Run as Administrator to find where the Webroot component is loading. It does load a driver, which is what may be bootstrapping the EXE at startup.


Those are my only suggestions outside of what has been recommended.
Great information. ..i haven't used Sysinternals in a long time..Thanks TH and explanoit. ..
