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When I run system analyzer I get a good score, 99 out of 100. But sometimes it says I have a low amount of physical ram on computer. Im running windows 8.1 and when I go to control panel, system, view amount of ram it says I have 16gb installed. When I look in task manager it says I have 14.5 gb available, depending on how many windows I have open. Ive ran a memory test that windows uses and it didnt detect any issues. Im just wondering why webroot is telling me I have a low amount of physical ram. Also when I run system analyzer and click view full report it says I have 15203572 KB free physical memory. Which I believe equates to about 15gb. It also says OS accessible physical ram 16326 MB, is that anything to worry about? Also in task manager under performance tab in memory it says, 1.3 gb in use, 14.5gb available, 1.5/18.3gb commited, 3.3gb cached and 116mb non paged pool. Not sure if that means anything, anyways any help would really be appriciated.
Hello @,

Welcome to the Webroot Community!


It sounds like you should not be receiving that message as you have sufficent memory.


Can you please do a clean reinstall of WSA and Please follow the steps closely!


  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example: SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings if asked to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
If you would respond back here after doing this and let me know if you are still seeing that notification I would be happy to continue assisting any way that I can.


Best Regards,
Hi Andy1


Welcome to the Community Forums.


My take on this is that you should disregard what the System Analyzer comes up with in the main.  It is only a baseline analyser and not very accurate at that based on my comparisons with other dedicated apps in this area.  Its role is basic and as such most of us never actually use it or reference it after the first install of WSA.


Whilst I would not disagreed with James I would not paid much heed to what it is reporting.


Regards, Baldrick
I have the same problem as you Andy ! But I have 32 GB of Ram, twice as much as you on my new Phoinix HP. With a GTX 980 grafics card and 2 tarabites of hard drive. My webroot soft wear is telling me I'm low on Physical memorie also. I just stoped looking at it because I think it's just a glich in there rebroot software. If this comeputer get's any faster, I'm going to chain it down to the floor.LOL. I asked a teck from the "GEEK SQUAD" and he said after connecting to my PC that it was on his end, that was the problem. What ever the case , I'm happy with my new HP-Phoenix 860-140 desktop. Hope this helps. By the way ,mine show's 31.1 GB availible out of 32 GB.


Bugged me at first, but after 2 weeks later it's proved very fast with no problems at all. Even though the rebroot still show's low physical memory. My first time using rebroot software, was a Norton 360 user for 6 years before rebroot. Guess rebroot has a few bug's in it.


Hope this helps . John
Well I told you I was new to REBROOT. Guess I should spell it right...WEBROOT. Sorry about that, but after all it still has a glich in there. LOL !!
Hi John1111


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Many thanks for sharing your experiences and insights...this is really helpful to us all here.


Regards, Baldrick
My first time with Webroot. I ran the system analyzer and got the same message. I have 32 gig of ram install. Under Win 10 task manager performance tab I am using 1%! I certainly hope you are a little more forth coming on more important bug fixes on you system. This is a 4 year old post!!!
My first time with Webroot. I ran the system analyzer and got the same message. I have 32 gig of ram install. Under Win 10 task manager performance tab I am using 1%! I certainly hope you are a little more forth coming on more important bug fixes on you system. This is a 4 year old post!!!

Just take that info with a grain of salt.
