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I am just writing this post to let my anger out. I renewed my licence a few weeks ago and got the new code, entered it on the sofware and everything went fine like It had alwas been since two years ago. I mean, I was happy because I had no need to contact customer support. 


Then the Password Manager unexpectedly ceased to work and tried to reach customer service. Firs I had to go over a thousand web pages of Knowledge Base, not a single article addressed my problem and then whenever I hit the "Talk to Us" or "Generate a Ticket" or something I was taken to my console where everything started all over again. I erased history, even changed browser, uninstalled and installed again the sofware and nothing happened. Tried to call but the phones that I found were for bussiness people not mere mortals like me. 


Miraculously I found a page where I could as for a refund.  I entered the invoice number and voila! PayPal said that I received a refund in seconds! That´s the only good thing that I can say about Webroot. I rest my case.




Welcome to the Webroot Community.


I'm sorry to hear about your frustration in regards to Webroot.


On the Webroot home page is a link for support. On the support page is button to contact support via supoort ticket. It is a little down the page. You must have missed it.(click on pics to enlarge)




Aslo, if you had logged in to your Web Console there is a link there as well.




Had you posted your problem here in the Community, like you did this post, we would have been able to explain all of this to you. There are also links to support at the bottom of many Community members posts, including mine.


The reason your password manager stopped working is because you actually didn't renew your subscription, you replaced it. Had you renewed through Webroot, time would have just been added to your already existing subscription and that would have been the end of it. You would have had to do nothing. Your keycode would have remained the same. By buying a new license you also received a new keycode. Basically it's like you started all over again. Support would have been able to easily transfer your existing passwords over to the new keycode had you let them or us here in the Community know of the problem.


Hope this helps to explain the situation. I wish you good luck with your new AV solution, whichever it should be.








You will be glad you stayed ? if you do.  I did exactly the same as you in the beginning and had to start over with the PM.  I was highly frustrated and learned  a lot about the PM.  It was my mistake and not Webroot.  ? is right on in his response.  Webroot is IMO the best  and worth any frustrations you may incur.:D
Why is it that folks want to blame the bat because they cant hit the ball ? I am just one of the thousands and thousands of satisfied Webroot subscribers. When the need arises, and I have to open a Ticket, I first came here to the Forums for advice/guidance. If I was unable to understand the answers to my question or I tried to no avail to solve my issues myself, I would then open a Ticket.


To be fair DAVADMIGNT, you said that you have had Webroot for two years and are now going on your third year. During the past years, you must have known about the Forums. It's where we come to learn/check whats new/ ask questions....etc.


Personally I have used a variety of Internet Security means and by far Webroot has served me quite well. When my subscription is due, I will be renewing it for the third year in a row. Once your anger has subsided, ( I understand the anger issue..sometimes our computers are smarter than we give them credit for and sometimes the anger is due to user error ) I would re-consider your choices and then, renew with Webroot. They really are second to none.

Well said people!

I'm no sherlock but you applied for and received a full refund then you decided to post here.


Tell me this ain't so.:womansad:
There is no reason why I should not have protection?
Hello Feedler,


May I ask why you are saying this?


Webroot has excellent Support services. Did you Contact them here? Or even Submitted a Support Ticket. All this is free with your Webroot subscription.
u"I felt comfortable with Webroot? Why did I loose my protection? [ New ]

I updated my services with you a few months ago when I was with VERIZON. ** NOW I am with COMCAST"



Above quote of Feedler..................................There is no reason why you should not have protection. It matters NOT who your service provider is! If you have a paid for valid Keycode you are good to go and should open a support ticket.  IF on the other hand you had a TRIAL copy with your previous provider you may have to purchase protection! Please give us some more information

@ wrote:

I am just writing this post to let my anger out. I renewed my licence a few weeks ago and got the new code, entered it on the sofware and everything went fine like It had alwas been since two years ago. I mean, I was happy because I had no need to contact customer support. 


Then the Password Manager unexpectedly ceased to work and tried to reach customer service. Firs I had to go over a thousand web pages of Knowledge Base, not a single article addressed my problem and then whenever I hit the "Talk to Us" or "Generate a Ticket" or something I was taken to my console where everything started all over again. I erased history, even changed browser, uninstalled and installed again the sofware and nothing happened. Tried to call but the phones that I found were for bussiness people not mere mortals like me. 


Miraculously I found a page where I could as for a refund.  I entered the invoice number and voila! PayPal said that I received a refund in seconds! That´s the only good thing that I can say about Webroot. I rest my case.



I've reviewed your account on the back-end and would have no issues moving over your Password Manager account to your new keycode, that is it there was an active keycode to move it to (since you've promptly refunded the order). I even took the liberty of clearing out all your old, expired trial consoles before I noticed that there was no active code to move it to.


Our Customer Support Team helps users of all experience levels, and they do so in a manner that is patient & empathetic to the needs of the caller.


If you did not like the experience, there's nothing I can say on that.

What I can say is that it doesn't take more than a few clicks, or to just check out our Ratings on Amazon, to know that your single experience does not shape our Organization's Service as a whole.
Good on ya and good for DIVADMINGT ......................................let's hear from Feedler!

When I log in I have to go through the process 3,4, maybe 5 times before I can log in. It keeps telling me that my email or password is incorrect. Every time I use the same information but I must go through it so many times. Very frustrating  to the point that I would rather not use webroot. And tell me why I can not just call and have my questions answered? I don't want to have to use the community to master this. That's not my job when I'm paying for it. 

When I log in I have to go through the process 3,4, maybe 5 times before I can log in. It keeps telling me that my email or password is incorrect. Every time I use the same information but I must go through it so many times. Very frustrating  to the point that I would rather not use webroot. And tell me why I can not just call and have my questions answered? I don't want to have to use the community to master this. That's not my job when I'm paying for it. 



You definitely can always call or open a ticket with our always free support 

Simply from our support webpage or contact webpage, which are all found easily on google.

leads to


Please let us know if you need anything else. 
