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I think my yahoo mail file is corrupt..  How can clean.   give insturctions



Hi wmpca


May I ask how you know or why you think that your Yahoo mail file is corrupt?  What indication and from where do you have for thinking that?  A little more specific information will help us to help you re. this issue.


Also, in the interim, may I suggest that you check out what is available on the Yahoo Mail Support site which can be reached here.  A quick scan of that site reveals this article/thread which may be of use to you.


I seriously doubt that the issue you believe that you have has anything to do with WSA but please review the above and provide the additional information requested and we will see what we can do to help.


Regards, Baldrick




my problem is that upon receiving a yahoo e mail message and forwarding on to others---message is distorted.  otherwide, yahoo mail is working okay.


I would like to be able to forward received messages in same condition as received.


Your suggestion.,


Hi wmpca


Have you tried my suggestion of contacting Yahoo Mail Support via their support website?  I just searched on there an came up with this thread that may be pertinent to your issue?


As I said before I do not belive that this issue has anything to do with WSA so the Yahoo Mail Support website may be your best chance of sorting the issue out.


Regards, Baldrick
thanks so much foryou help in this matter.   The message is distorted in either the basic mail mode or the full feature mode.


Hi Bobby


In this thread over at Yahoo Mail Support they suggest that the issue when it occurs tends to be temporary or browswer-related.  Have you, and indeed could you, try another browser to see if it happens?


Regards, Baldrick
