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I run WebRoot, the scan results says "Threats Removed 5'.  Where do I find the info RE: the 5 threats. The scan log is not telling me.
I run WebRoot, the scan results says "Threats Removed 5'.  Where do I find info RE: the 5 threats. The scan log is not telling me.
Hi Linda_01


You need to look at the contents of the Threat Log; which you access in the same way as the Scan Log, from the same place in WSA (in fact the option is the one under the Scan Log save option.


Hope that helps but if you need further guidance then please post back.


Regards, Baldrick
Hello Linda and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


To clear that message see here to reset your scan stats: as it shows you the threats removed since you installed WSA but you can clear it.




Daniel 😉
