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How does Webroot deal with tracking cookies?
Hi Tylersmiler,


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


Webroot does not delete tracking cookies. This can be done through your browser. For information on how to delete cookies for your particular browser please have a look at this article.


Hope this info helps. If you still have questions, please let us know. We will be glad to assist. :)


Thanks Burn Daddy. I knew how to clear my broswer but always thought tracking cookies took more than your average cookie to get rid of.  My last AV always told me it removed tracking cookies at the end of scans. I'm new to Webroot and just wondered if it did the same.
@ wrote:

Thanks Burn Daddy. I knew how to clear my broswer but always thought tracking cookies took more than your average cookie to get rid of.  My last AV always told me it removed tracking cookies at the end of scans. I'm new to Webroot and just wondered if it did the same.

You're welcome, Tyler. I would consider all cookies that are collected and that your browser clears to be tracking cookies. There is another type of cookie called a Flash cookie. A Flash cookie contains cookie-like data that a Web site running Adobe Flash can place on your computer. They also contain information about when you visited the site, and may contain tracking and settings information. I'm assuming that you have the Webroot Antivirus version, since we are in that forum. This version does not have the "System Optimizer" that other versions of Webroot have. The System optimizer can remove these flash cookies. However, you can use a third-party app or a browser extension like "Better Privacy" to do this for you.


Hope this info helps, ;)


Thanks again BD its turns out after checking I have the System Optimizer. I'm running Webroot Secure Anywhere. This was suggested by Best Buy and I didn't know there where different versions.
@ wrote:

Thanks again BD its turns out after checking I have the System Optimizer. I'm running Webroot Secure Anywhere. This was suggested by Best Buy and I didn't know there where different versions.

That's good. Yes, the Best Buy version does have the System Optimizer, sorry about that. You will need to check your System Optimizer settings to be sure you have "Flash Cookies' check-marked for removal.


You can do that by opening the Webroot interface and selecting Advanced Settings.




Then select System Optimizer from choices on the left. Then check the appropriate boxes for items you wish to be removed.




You can also schedule the System Optimizer by selecting Scheduler in Advanced Settings,bselecting the System Optimizer tab, and checking the Enable Scheduled Optimization box.




Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. We are always glad to help all users, especially new users. :)



Once again thanks BD with the info on the Optimizer. I checked flash cookies as per your suggestion. I've used Norton all my PC years so I'm looking for this type of info to tweak Webroot from time to time.
Hi Tylersmiler


If I may just add to what BD has posted...I noticed in another thread Sherry advised the use of CCleaner as a useful way of dealing with cookies per se...may I suggest that you check out the informaiton that Piriform supply on how CCleaner deals with them.


But also bear in mind that in terms of security considerations coookies can only harm you in terms of personal data that you may not want shared...they are not in themsleves a malware vector hence why WSA does not have fucntionality, other than System Optimizer' for 'dealing' with them.


Hope that the extra information is of use?


Regards, Baldrick
