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How do I tell if my Webroot virus protection is on? I keep getting a message from Window Security Alert that it is not on.
Hi bstone12004


Welcome to the Community Forums.


This is a known issue that the beta testing team is currently in the process of testing a fix for. This issue only affects the Windows Security Centre incorrectly informingthe user that WSA is not protecting their system. This in correct and WSA's protection is NOT affected by the issue.


You can check that proetction is active by looking at the WSA notificaiton tracy icon...which if itis GREEN indicates that all is well and that WSA is protecting your system.


You can get more informaiton on the issue from this previous thread.


Regards, Baldrick
I clicked the tray icon and it says WSA is 'protected?'

No worries, bstone12004


Glad to be able to help. The issue is annoying for those users that have unfortunately go it (not all users are affected) but hopefully there will be a permanent fix shortly.


So keep watching this space.


Regards, Baldrick

