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I Tried Malwarebytes on my PC as well as in safe mode for "Vosteran browser hijacker but it didn't work , in fact nothing has gotten rid of it completely, any help?
Hello there DC55, welcome to the Webroot Community!


One thing that might help is to look at your browser extensions/add-ons to see if there it happens to be located here.  You can also go to the Programs menu from the Control Panel and look to see if it is listed in there and able to be removed that way.


Sometimes doing a browser reset will help.


If you are not comfortable or able to go do these suggestions, you can also submit a Trouble Ticket to have Webroot Support take a look.  This is a free service wtih your paid WSA license.


I hope this helps!

 We dont post links to 3rd party tools. Thanks for your help though!
