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Recent tried W10 in Oracle VirtualBox briefly but since I had a spare HD, I installed that and put W10 on it.  Ater installing it yesterday and installing a few programs one of which was Webroot.  That was build 9841 but I heard that 9860 was out so I forced the update.


After churning away for over an hour, I find the install stop because I needed to uninstall Webroot.  I had the option to uninstall or pause so I clicked uninstall but it left the pause button there.  Some time later, I clicked on pause and find a window asking if I really wanted to uninstall Webroot.  More time but I bailed, rebooted, it continued to install and complete after about 45 minutes.


This morning booted into W10, I had reinstalled Webroot but I see no desktop icon.  After a few seconds, it boots with a message that it has problems.  It did this three times finally I was given the option to go into W7.  Looks like I'll have to reinstall W10.


Anyone trying W10 should put the "Build Preview" so no auto updates are performed, do it manually after uninstalling Webroot to save some grief. 
@ Oh I know.. I agree 1000%.  That is why I say a RED graphic with very little text.  At least a FEW people will see that where EVERYONE misses it in a huge long EULA.  No one reads those.
