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Webeoot and Microsoft store apps

  • 23 July 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi guys,


Quick question.

I've been downloading certain apps from the microsoft store. Does webroot scan those apps when they're installed?



Hello @Tim Bray 


Yes WSA’s Realtime Shield is always scanning for bad files from where ever they come from.


Shields constantly monitor activity while you surf the Internet and work on your computer, protecting your computer from malware and viruses. As you surf Internet sites, you could be targeted for a drive-by download, where an unwanted program launches and silently installs on your computer as you view pages. We recommend you keep all shields enabled.

Shields run in the background without disrupting your work.

  • If a shield detects an item that it classifies as a potential threat or does not recognize, it displays an alert. The alert asks if you want to continue or block the site. Do one of the following:
    • If you recognize the file name and you are purposely downloading it, for example, you were in the process of downloading a new toolbar for your browser, click Unblock page and continue.
    • If you were not trying to download anything, you should click Go back to safety
    • If you feel that the shield is alerting you to a page that is not high risk, then you can click the Request Review button.


Types of Shields

SecureAnywhere includes the following types of shields:

  • Realtime Shield — Monitors unknown programs to determine whether or not they contain threats. Blocks known threats from running on your computer that are listed in Webroot’s threat definitions and in our community database. You should never disable this shield.
  • Rootkit Shield — Blocks rootkits from being installed on your computer and removes any that are present.
  • Web Shield — Blocks known threats encountered on the Internet and displays a warning. The Web shield maintains information on more than 200 million URLs and IP addresses to comprise the most accurate and comprehensive data available for classifying content and detecting malicious sites.
  • USB Shield — Monitors an installed USB flash drive for threats, blocks and removes any threats that it finds.
  • Offline Shield — Protects your system from threats while your computer is not connected to the Internet.
  • Script Shield — Protects your system from malicious scripts.



Hi @TripleHelix 

Is there an option to actually scan the downloaded app from the windows store? When I right click on the app, theres no option. The only thing I can really think of is to do a full scan.



Hi @TripleHelix 

Is there an option to actually scan the downloaded app from the windows store? When I right click on the app, theres no option. The only thing I can really think of is to do a full scan.



No as it installs from the store so WSA will scan during install, most if not all apps from the Microsoft Store are safe as I haven’t seen any reports to say otherwise.
