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I lost admin long time ago I keep accident find glitches break laptops .

We got your software by bestbuy my aunt setup up her admin account with pin code so I can't mess with anything or download anything so she download on her account it transfer to my non admin account but I noticed it didn't download correctly it wasn't on startup on task manager but my main issue was my laptop keyboard would go ding ding & laptop loading slower then it should load since it brand new so I click on advance setting when I had no admin access & blocked from downloading thing but some how access it I assume if I turn off all setting in advance setting & shutdown fix my ding ding well I restarted it my whole laptop crashed with a white frozen screen couple times it stop but when I check my task manager it had errors & I load my AMD it frozen then black screen then it refreshed my laptop slowly came back & my protection fully crashed it would not turn on or start I try shutdown but it would not work anymore until we download it again but on my profile the setup finally download right but corrupt my laptop.

It stop my ding ding completely but it created more issue were my mouse or touch pad random spam click or random click things & I had AMD graphics crashed saying error AMD stop responding &I fix its self but when I keep continued keep playing I noticed my performance keep dropping but not my frames it keep getting worse how I can tell when I am playing my game if thing takes more frames or graphics every time crash or redux its self my proformance get worse start lagging bit more it used to be when I turn off laptop or stop playing it get better but now it won't .

I started losing a lot more proformance when I got black screen & laptop shutdown restated its self or I had when I fight things in my game that takes more frames or graphics if I fight things that take less or lower graphics or frames I don't lag at all .

you guys are new protection so there bugs in new protection or software so I should of not Mess with it knowing it was glitches but I never think messed up laptop or done anything but turn off all settings & I knew it was a bug but I didn't think it corrupt my laptop.

I don't know if my forum page went sorry if spam I apologize .
Your block application with webroot & it doesn't even work it should only block access not say deleted file & it said it was a virus when it's not but it only remove clinet of imvu and keep files it goes in virus vault but there is more issue it puts the file in your c hard drive the file say quarantine.

I assume anyone could but I might be wrong but this could be back a door by being hacked or letting hackers in its because I assume they can make virus for your active control procresser to glitch out were it block application or software which it take it to your C drive & file can easy open with no warring which all files not deleted so it could infect computer faster and harder since spread virus through application and flies .

The folder I open up with my game imvu I tested it with allowed me with no warring or it's been sent to virus vault when I open up file no warring or nothing so I am not sure if protection would stop infection or spread if that was a real virus if it attack your application blocker.

What's the point in blocking applications when a non admin account with pin code or stuff pervent you from downloading things but your blocking application on webroot is non admin it's pointless isn't it.

I thought controler active processer should of been admin rights only to lock your kids out of websites or application but people without admin rights can use it .
Every thing else worked great but bug & glitches was the issues I had & I hope factory resting it fix my laptop if not there should be warring on your protection when downloading to check non admin accounts on webroot to see if setup worked on task manager or non admins got no access to the advance settings make sure if turn it of or anything so it doesn't ruined there stuff ect.

After webroot crashed it fixed one issue but **bleep**ed up whole lapto with errors .

I hope this help you webroot & other people saving them on ruined laptop or ect.
i assume my aunt download it on my profile it fully download in task manger startup & advance setting said you need admin rights to access it but it was too late it already messed up my laptop lol hopefully this factory rest fix it lets see.

I hope this save anyone or help you fix your software webroot & apply patches .
This protection isn't safe young kids too use or anything since random bugs or glitch they accident get into some thing with non admin account which they need admin setting enter advance setting which it can bug or glitch out & they can enter settings on webroot without admin access it depends on what glitches or what bugs happen in this softest is dangerous for little kids too use & not safe .

So if you give your young kids this protection I would remove it or wait until they patched or fix error or bug/glitch .
i try send you guys ticket on here or Facebook but you guys blocked me I apologize for yelling at you guys or being mad lol I thought you guys was sending broken protection for free which I assume your scamming people by breaking laptops you guys blocked me & ignored my ticket I sent .

>.> I should not yelled or talk in calm matter so I am sorry .

I hope you guys figure out how this bug happend and glitch so you can fix it.
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We also understand ones frustrations when one is having issues. So no worries there. We always try to help as much as we can. But sometimes it's best to Contact the Support Team.


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