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WebRoot not in System tray& not hidden, Can't open program, Startup: status is "enabled"

  • 8 September 2020
  • 1 reply

Wondering if a virus disabled WebRoot from running. Yesterday Firefox said it needed to run an update and when I opened a new web page from a Search, I was warned it was a dangerous web site. I did NOT run the Firefox “update” and have not been reminded to run that “update”.

Today, Windows warned me that no antivirus program is running. WebRoot is not showing in the system tray & it is NOT hidden. Task Manager, Startup tab: WebRoot is “enabled”.

Go to Windows, Start, WebRoot Secure Anywhere to start the program, & nothing opens up.

Restart computer & same.

Control panel, Security & Maintenance, Virus Protection says “View in Windows Security”. Click on that & “Virus Threat & Protection Settings” says, “No action needed”. Shouldn’t it say something about WebRoot???

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Hello @awaw315 


Yes many are seeing this issue so please Submit a Support Ticket and they will sort it out. Also support is real busy because of these issues so please have some patience.


Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue, it should be 24 to 48 hours but could take a little longer because of COVID 19.


