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When I open my webroot, from time to time, insted of the banner being green, it's gold and shows an exclamation mark but says it's protected.  After I scan, it goes back to the green, protected, and a check mark.  But it always goes back to the gold with !.  It never shows any problems, but this is annoying.  How do I fix this?

Hello sabino327,

Welcome to the Community,


Essentially, Brown, means that an important function has been disabled.


Please see here for additional information on the statuses.


If you look to the left of each of the tabs , i.e., PC Security, Identity Protection, etc. you should see one or more with a Yellow triangle/exclamation mark symbol to the left of the title...if you click on the title that will reveal the status of the Shields covered by the tab and one or more of them will be OFF.


Click on the relevant slider to try to re-enable the Shield(s) concerned.


If I haven't answered your question then please let us know.



Best Regards,


Hi sabino


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Further to what Sherry has advised I am wondering if we have a case of either a faulty install, given that the issue reappears on reboot.  Removing and reinstalling WSA is pretty quick and usually takes well under 10 minutes.  Please try the following and let us know if it helps:


  • Make sure you have a copy of your Keycode
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a new copy HERE (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA andReboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
 and now see if you get the Brown/Golden banner again after that.


Now if that fails to sort you out we can then look to see whether there is a central override set on your local configuration of WSA...I doubt that it would allow the setting of an unprotected one but it may be wise to just eliminate that going forward.


If that check is required tha=en either myself or Sherry can provide the relevant information on how to do that as and when you get back to us, and depending on what the outcome of the above is.


Regards, Baldrick
