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This statred happening last week and now has become a bit annoying. Is there a way to stop the dialog box from popping up in the Notification area in Windows 8.1 at boot up. I'm having to click the X to make it go away each time.


Thanks for any input.



And I did submit a support ticket but they suggested reinstalling the program ... :8
Hi mtnhiker


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


As far as I am aware the best thing to do is to accept the invitation to read the report and then hopefully the popup notifications will stop.  I have had them last month and they seemed to stop after I had gone into the report, but I also believe that if you ignore them them, i.e., do not read the report then they will stop after about a week.


The report is new and so is really being trialled.  If the popup persists and continues annoying you then I would recommend that you Update your Support Ticket and let the Support Team know that has not worked.


Just to check...when you uninstalled & reinstalled did you reboot after the reinstall, and did you make sure that you said 'No' to any offer to reimport/use previous setting?  If not then I would recommend tryinigthe uninstall/reinstall process again, making sure that you do the above also...just to double check.









PS. Have not seen my notification yet for this month...:( I do enjoy reading the report. :D
I have yet to see the report at all on my computer, though some members have reported seeing it for a week or so before it went away.  It seems to be a feature that is under a random test phase at this point.


Go ahead and follow what Baldrick suggested and read the report to see if it will stop the notifications, but if that does not work I am guessing that it will stop before long anyway based on the reports others have made regarding it.
Thanks for the quick response. Yes I have read the report a few times but it still persists in popping up. I haven't uninstalled/reinstalled yet but just didn't quite understand the reasoning behind that :8
@ wrote:

And I did submit a support ticket but they suggested reinstalling the program ... :8

Try to take support advice.(reinstalling the program)
I just did and the Notification Area pop up didn't appear.

Thanks all for the input, just didn't quite grasp the the uninstalling process procedure as a fix but it did help. Hopefully its a permanent fix.
I tried the un-install (even using Revo Uninstaller), reboot and re-install and I am still getting the popup on every startup.

I created a support ticket asking for remote assistance but no response yet..

What is most annoying is that my Windows 8.1 system normally boots to the Metro start screen, but becasue of this popup it's now booting directly to the desktop.
Hi RonnieJP


Have you tried accepting the pop up andd being taken tot the Security Report.  It should not reappear until next month once read.






Hi Baldrick,


Yes I have, in fact many time over the past few days.  My biggest frustration is that ever since this popup started, it prevents me from botting into the Metro start screen.  I always now boots to the desktop, even if that feature is unchecked in taskbar properties.  Jus to be clear about what message I'm seeing, please see a snip capture of the message in my OneDrive folder:!1492&authkey=!AMb-Iu6tqiOhQTc&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.png
Hi RonnieJP


Yup, tthat is the one I was expecting you to be seeing. When you reinstalledyou did not import any previous settings if and when offerred the opportunity to do so, did you?  Also, did you reboot immediately after the reinstall?






Hi RonnieJP,


That is a little bit strange. I'm also receiving the Security Reports, which appear from time to time (typically on a monthly basis).

After accepting the report (mentioned by Baldrick) it disappears until the next cycle.

But I have never had a problem with booting into the Metro mode... The report is displayed only when I manually go back to the desktop mode.






Thanks for your quick responses.  No, I did not import any previous settings.  I even used Revo to uninstall, which also gets rid of any registry entries and files that are normally left over after just using the Windows uninstaller.  I rebooted after the uninstall and again after the re-install.  I get the message even if I just log out of Windows and login again.  I even tried to set the WRSVC service to "automatic - delayed start" in hopes of being able to boot into my Metro screen, but it doesn't let me select that option.  I guess I won't be able to get in touch with Webroot today because of the Memorial Day holiday in the US.
Hi Miquell,


Actually, I can see the Metro screen come up for an instant when I reboot, but it immediately goes to the desktop and I can see that message even before all the desktop icons are redrawn.  It's just as though I hit the "enter"  key immediately after entering Metro.  Seems like Windows thinks that it's a desktop program starting up, so it switches by itself.
Hi RonnieJP


Well, given what you are saying I believe that it is best that you await the response to your Support Ticket, as this very much sounds like one for them.


Post back if you have not heard from them by tomorrow, and we will see if we can get some focus for you.






Thanks Baldrick, I hope they can help.

I uninstalled WSA again and my system booted to Metro just fine, so it's definitely that WSA popup that's causing that issue.

I re-installed in the meantime to maintain protection and of course the issue returned.
Hi Ronnie


No problem.  By the way, which version of Windows 8.1 are you running...32 or 64bit?  Just wondering.  I am running the former on my tablet and have to say that I have not seen any Security Report pop ups at all yet.  But then again I usually get them on my main desktop system first.


I will drop in again tomorrow and follow up on this thread to see if there has been any movement, and if not we can see if there is anything that we can do to move things along for you.  Having said that the Support Team are great and very responsive so hopefully you will get a response tomorrow, once we are out of the weekend & holiday break. :D





Hi Baldrick,


I'm running Windows 8.1 with Update 1, 32-bit.

Even though today is a holiday, I got a call from Webroot tech support and an engineer logged into my system and collected some logs.  He also uninstalled, but also deleted some files and registry keys manually.  He re-installed and so far, so good after several reboots.  He was not confident that the problem wold stay fixed however.  He said it is a known issue, but only affects some systems and Webroot is still researching it.  But at least for now, that annoying popup is gone and I can once again boot into the Metro start screen.  I'll post again if the issue rears it's head again and I'll also periodically monitor this thread to see if there's anything new.  Thanks.


Hello RonnieJP! Welcome to the WSA Community, Great to hear your issue was corrected! @ will be pleased I'm sure. Glad to know that Technical Support worked with you.

Thanks for updating and please feel free to join us here anytime just to browse and look around! We do have fun here besides we learn a lot. :)

Have a Great week!
Hey RonnieJP, welcome!


I'm wondering if this is isolated to 32-bit systems.  I'm actually on an x64-based system and even though the pop-up does appear, it only lasts a few seconds and then fades away if I do not click on it (and I'm taken straight to the Metro screen).


Glad to know that you got your problem resolved by the crew at tech support.  At least it's a known issue that they're working on.


"Y'all come back now, ya hear?" :D


- Jeff
W7 Pro 64-bit and my system just started to have the popup yesterday after bootup.  I opened the page like suggested above but it appeared again today.  I just opened the page, do I need to actually read something?
That's interesting wptski, since the tech rep I worked with yesterday mentioned that Webroot is of the understanding that this issue (of the popup returning on every reboot) occurs only on certain Windows 8 systems (not Win 7 or earlier).

I do hope their support team peruses these threads from time to time.
On a second boot up today, no popup but maybe it's only on the first boot up of the day?  It didn't show up on a reboot either.
Hi Ronnie


Hope that you are well?


I am glad that you mentioned "I do hope their support team peruses these threads from time to time." as I feel that if one is logging a Support Ticket and has seen something in the Forum in another thread that may be pertinent then I would encourage the person logging the ticket to include a link to the relevant thread and/or specific post.


The Support Team members do occassionally come onto the Forum (Webroot personnel are denoted by a small green 'W' prefixed to the username) but given they are hard at work looking after users they do not have much time to do that and therefore rely on the Community for assistance.






I just put in a support ticket with a link to this thread and a rehash of what I posted above.
Nice one, wptski


Keep us posted on how that works out.






The following is a C/P of Webroot Support's answer.



The personalized security report should go away on its own. One thing that is highlighted in the conversation you linked to is that actually viewing the Personalized Security Report will make it go away for a month. Also, you might want to try uninstalling and reinstalling Webroot and then viewing the security report.

It is something that is expected to go away on its own, please let us know if it doesn't.

Webroot Technical Support
