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My friend had purchased Webroot for her PC, the package said it was good for three computers. I installed it on my PC and immeaditly Webroot was about to expire. I had Webroot on an older system that had expired. I might have used the same login information for this new Webroot install, maybe that's the issue. Also I can't see where to clean up Temp internet files, looks like Webroot changed it's interface since I last used it.   Thanks for help, Windows 7. 
I don't have the answer, but I believe keys can only be associated to one console. If you login with your account I don't know what happens. @  @ any ideas?


You'll probably need to end up contacting the support department about this as we can't troubleshoot subscription problems.
Hi Jackson92119 - Would you mind Sending me the keycode so that I can take a look?


Also, you may have remnants of our older software on the computer that could be causing a conflict. Are you installing onto the same machine that had the older version?

New system. How do I PM you my key code. I don't want to just put that out on the web
You can send it by clicking here or by emailing me at
Thanks for getting back to me so quick, but what am I suppose to change my setting to? 
I took a look at your old subscription and I think there may be remnants of old software on your machine. Please follow the instructions below and let me know your results.


1. Create a restore point (Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Vista)

2. Run this Removal Tool

3. Reboot and run the Webroot Installer (PC, Mac)
I did that and it did not work, same issue. I actually was having PC issues and did a fresh install of windows on a new drive, so there is no possible way that old Webroot files are on my PC. Still tho, after installing Webroot for the second time, my Webroot subscription is over. Not sure what to do, other then get a diffrent Anti virus.
Hello Jackson!  I have a couple questions if I may:


When was the Webroot box purchased by your friend?

Where was it purchased?


Webroot was purchased at Best buy. Only reason that would matter is if you thought I pirated Webroot, but I didn't, so lets not waste time there. 
Actually, purchase at Best Buy is exactly what I was thinking. I was NOT thinking you pirated.

You see, I have a very good understanding of AV software purchased at Best Buy. They sell Webroot in 2 formats:

1) the standard copy that can be purchased directly from Webroot or other locations

2) as Best Buy Subscription Software, which is what I strongly suspected is what you have.

One of the main differences is that for the Best Buy Subscription copies, most support issues are handled by calling Best Buy at 1-800-GEEK-SQUAD, This is because the subscription is actually with them and not with the software manufacturer.

The other main difference is how it is activated: Best Buy Subscription Software is activated at the time of sale. This means a 1 year license begins at purchase, not upon first installation.

Take a look at the box your copy came in and note if you see the following:

1) on the front of the box a sticker that states the software requires activation at register or upon sale.

2) on the back of the box, probably the lower left hand corner, you will see a Best Buy Serial Number that begins with "WBR00".

If these are present on the box, this is why you had that amount of time remaining, which is also why I asked when it was purchased.

Many times Best Buy provides a free 6 month AV subscription with the purchase of a new computer, so the license would then be for 6 months and not 1 year.
<Nominate to TKB>

<Plus 5 Kudos>

You sir, are a Sr. Expert Advisor.
@ wrote:

<Nominate to TKB>

<Plus 5 Kudos>

You sir, are a Sr. Expert Advisor.

Thank you for the nonimation, but I would say a KB Article would need a bit better specifics and content.  If Webroot likes this as a KB though I am more than willing to do the research to fill it out!
Thanks for the advice.

I did get it from best buy and on the box it does say "Activated at purchase".  If I waited 6 months to install it then this issue would make since, but I installed Webroot a few days after it was activated and after install Webroot said I had a week left on subscription. I still considering this a glitch, any other ideas? Thanks
Does it still show 12 days remaining or has the number gone down to 0 now?
I also wonder if you have called Geek Squad about this yet, and if they have tried to do an uninstall/reinstall by remote session?
Subscription is expired now.
I havent called Geek squad, I am not gonna take it that far. If I can't get to work then that's how it goes. I don't belive Geek squad knows anything more about copmuters then I do. Thanks for the help tho, I might just get AVG or something free like that. Bummer Webroot having problems. 
Hey Jackson92119,


You can send me a copy of your receipt/invoice to and I can set you up with a new subscription. :robothappy:
@ wrote:

I havent called Geek squad, I am not gonna take it that far. If I can't get to work then that's how it goes. I don't belive Geek squad knows anything more about copmuters then I do. Thanks for the help tho, I might just get AVG or something free like that. Bummer Webroot having problems. 

If it was a Best Buy Subscription Software copy, then it is the Geek Squad that would need to fix the subscription issue.  I am sorry you do not think you should call them, but you really should make an attempt at taking the correct resolution path.
