Webroot was just turned off and an alert said my display driver had failed. WTF? Did get scanned OK

Webroot was just turned off and an alert said my display driver had failed. WTF? Did get scanned OK

2 replies

Webroot was shut down at the same time I got the driver error message.
Userlevel 7
Hello @,

Welcome to the Webroot Community.
Have you attempted to restart the computer, and if so, does Webroot turn back on when you do?
I do not believe that the display driver issue is related to Webroot but if you would like you can contact our support team and they can take a look at the issue for you. If it is unrelated to Webroot there is little we can do to help but Webroot should not be turning off unexpectedly.
Support Number: 1-866-612-4227
Support Ticket: https://detail.webrootanywhere.com/servicewelcome.asp
Best Regards,
