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Where do I go and how do I do it?

  • 26 November 2013
  • 36 replies

My Webroot SecureAnywhere v8.0.4.24 is setup to be all exclusive.  Unfortunately it blocks the Windows Accessory "Snipping Tool" the ability to function while online. (1) Where do I go within SecureAnywhere, to grant Snipping Tool permission to function, and is there a difference between online and offline? (2) What do I write in the line when I get to the proper location in the Webroot v8.....?  For example: SnippingTool is identified by its properties as: %windir%system32SnippingTool.exe  Is that how I would write it? 

36 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hi Joe,
I was going to suggest that but I tried and the Snipping Tool does not show up with the Add Button but it's there if I look at the location with explorer.exe


Userlevel 5
@ wrote:
Hi Joe,
I was going to suggest that but I tried and the Snipping Tool does not show up with the Add Button but it's there if I look at the location with explorer.exe

Could you try  C:windowssysnativesnippingtool.exe? It may be invisible due to file system redirection on 64bit platforms.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
That worked Joe! C:windowssysnativesnippingtool.exe
So we will see if that helps @ fingers crossed.
Daniel :D

Userlevel 7
I don't want to hijack this thread but in order to have the full picture how it goes with blocking/allowing of snipping tools, it should be also said that if you adjust your settings as per the below picture you will always get a WSA prompt to allow or block a tool when you run it.

Userlevel 1
Badge +5
I tried your suggestion and it worked at first to produce the prompt; however rather than immediately allow Snipping Tool permission, I cancelled the procedure and attempted to verify it a second time.

Unfortunately the second time did not produce the prompt, rather the result still blocked Snipping Tool as usual.
I then rebooted, checked to ascertain if the Shield settings were the suggested ones from your post.  They were.  Again I tried performing a snip of this webpage, and again Snipping Tool was blocked.
So, in my estimation, your suggestion does not work.  But thanks all the same.
Userlevel 7
Hmmm, strange. I always click "Allow once" when I get the prompt and thus I always get the prompt when Vista snipping tool is run. Yeah, it can be silly but by this way I fully control a snipping tool action.
Did you check Application Protection under Identity Protection if by chance the snipping executable isn't listed there with Deny?
Userlevel 1
Badge +5
 Aha eureka !
A moment ago, I tried locating the folder "sysnative" via Explorer....  That proved in vain.$#@>&?  But when I accessed the Protected Applications a second later, I saw that the Snipping Tool was DENIED.  So I altered that denial to PROTECT, and... viola, it works!
JoeJ, DavidP1970, Daniel, Mike R, and Pegas...thank you for all your hard work: the problem is solved!
p.s. I'd insert an image of the snip I just created as a thank you note but unfortunately I do not have a url location for it, as it is merely stored locally and apparently the Webroot editor doesn't allow for that.
So this  :D will just have to be sufficient!
Thanks again!
Dave Toby Ornott Cash 
Userlevel 7
Glad that it is finally working!
I learned a lot on this one... bookmarking for future reference 🙂
Userlevel 7
You're welcome Dave!
I am glad you got it sorted out. This thread is definitely a showcase of teamwork. :D
Userlevel 1
Badge +5
@ wrote:
[...] This thread is definitely a showcase of teamwork. :D
:p  Good team to work with.  Very quick and knowledgable.  Thanks.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Another one that likes to stick out there tongue! 

Daniel 😉
