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I am wondering how I even got the Webroot Filtering Extension (WFE) on my Google Chrome Browser, however will there or is there a way for me to place it on the new (at this time 01/30/2020) Chromium-based Edge Browser?  I attempted to find the WFE on Google Chrome Store and it’s not there through the search function in the Extensions page.

I appreciate any reply, even if it is “still in the works” or “you are confused, here is how you do it”.  ;)

Thank you!

Okay, I think I may have found the answer yet it really displeases me.

Hello @apetivist is this what you’re looking for?


For users of WSA and where to get the Web Threat Filtering Extension go here within the new Edge Browser:


You will need your Keycode to confirm installation!


Thank you!  

You’re very welcome. :relaxed:

I believe they’ll be making the installation of this automatic as well, so far so good though. 

Thank you all so much.  Now, I can be confident to do the right steps on my wifey’s laptop, too.  :sunglasses:
