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I was thinking about trying WSA on my Laptop again. The last time my Laptop would not boot anymore. It would freeze right after Windows login. Since my Laptop may not boot anymore I was wondering if WSA Logs utility will run in safe mode.  Safe mode disables Windows installer so I was thinking it probably wouldn't, but maybe some portable application would run. So, will WSA Utility run in Safe Mode?
Thanks TrippleHelix!  I will make a backup image with Shadow Protect, and give it another try lol
If you want to be extra useful from a diagnostic point of view run the WSA logs before and after the program is installed. Then we can use them to compare.
Ok, I will do that.
Btw.. what settings would you like for me to run the utility with? How do you want the utility configured.
As a rule, default settings are sufficient. Sometimes we might ask for a process dump, but that's pretty infrequent. Dump files can be rather hefty in size, so we prefer you don't send those up unless requested.
Sorry, I didn't think I was going to get a reply. I already sent everything. I had the same problem with Windows failing to boot so I started a support ticket. I sent logs before installing WSA, and after boot failure. I rolled my Laptop back with an image I made just before installing WSA. I can install WSA again, and only send the logs that are sent by default settings. No one has responded to my support ticked yet. I can tell them to ignore the logs I already sent, but I would be grateful if a staff member from the forum could inform them also. I'm not sure how long it will be before they read my support ticket. I'm on my iPhone now, but I should be home soon.
I have suspected there could be an conflict between Eset, and WSA on my particular setup. If not maybe there's something still going on between Shadow Defender, and WSA. There has been two bugs fixed already between Shadow Defender, and WSA I have reported. Tony from Shadow Defender fixed one of them, and Webroot recently resolved the other. The bug Webroot resolved with SD was on another machine though running a different OS.  I'm thinking it's more likely NOD 32 though.
It's certainly an angle worth checking into.  The most recent release notes actually included a fix for an ESET compatibility bug, but it appeared to be Win8-specific.  It will be interesting to see what support comes back with.
I have an update for this thread. I installed WSA on my Laptop again. I got the same result. My Laptop would fail to boot most of the time, and when it would successfully boot it began to freeze up while I was using it.  I ran WSA logs utility before, and after the install. I sent the logs before the install, and after. So we have been trouble shooting this issue for several days now.  Webroot initally suspected that maybe some of the unknown processes running on my Laptop that do not appear in WSA's process manger such as dll. files could be causing the system to hang if WSA was monitoring those processes. Webroot's Threat Research Department analized the unknow files, and decided they were not a threat so they white listed them. I then rolled my Laptop back with an image I made just before installing WSA., and reinstalled WSA. I had one sucessful boot after the installation, and after that Windows began to fail to boot most of the time, and when it did boot it would begin to freeze while I was using it. I ran the log utility once again, and sent the logs.


I suspected that their was a compatibility problem with NOD 32, and WSA on my particular setup as a few other members here also suspected. I'm thinking it must be something to do with the firmware that support my hardware contributing to the incompability. I decided to uninstall NOD 32, and run WSA without NOD 32 to see if that resolved the issue. I have been running WSA without NOD 32 now for 2 days, and I have not had a single problem. Nothing at all so far. My Laptop is running fast, no freezes, it responds very fast when opening applications, no failed boots, and boot time seems to be faster than before when I was running NOD 32 without WSA. I think its pretty safe to say that there is a conflict between NOD 32, and WSA. I suspect that it has something to do with the firmware that supports my hardware. I updated my drivers not too long ago. This is a Sony Vio Laptop Model VPCEB46FX. I have informed support that i'm not having anymore problems since uninstalling NOD 32. Support is trying to pinpoint the problem now.
I haven't updated you guys & gals in this thread for a while because I have not discovered anything new. I also wanted to be sure what the problem was before posting any misinformation. It's pretty safe to say at this point there is an incompatability between NOD 32, and WSA on this particular machine. I still have an open support ticket on this, and have spent many hours trying to pinpoint what interaction NOD 32, and WSA are having that is causing the incompatibilty. It was suggested I try lowering WSA's Self Proteciton. I lowered WSA's Self Protection to minimum. That did not resolve the issue. I tried installing WSA first, and then installing NOD 32. That did not resolve the issue. I tried installing NOD 32 first, and then installing WSA. That did not resolve the issue. I continued to have multiple failed boots, and I would have to do a hard shutdown.  Sometime it would make it to the desktop, and freeze just as soon as WSA's icon loaded in the tray toolbar. I can't stand not being able to solve this, but i'm not sure it will be worth the effort considering i'm fine with my current setup.


I don't believe this incompatibilty will affect a large number of users since a very small percent of users would try running these two antivirus together on a Laptop.  It may also only affect particular models of Sony Laptops or maybe even just this model.  This is what I believe to be true anyways. Support also has not been able to pinpoint the interaction causing the incompatibiity yet. I'm willing to continue trouble shooting this issue if asked to do so.  Is it worth it to resolve this if I'm happy with my current setup? I'm not sure this would benefit very many users. I've been using Prevx since alpha pre vesion 1, and this will not affect me using WSA on my other machines. What do you long timers with Prevx, and Webroot think? Is the benefit worth spending more time on this?  I'm happy with my current setup, and I don't believe this will benefit very many users.
Webroot support staff has gotten back in touch with me, and would like to further look into this issue. They want to set up a remote session with me to look at possibly tweaking some of NOD 32, and WSA's settings.  I've done several remote session with Webroot before, but I thought of something that I believe could provide information to help pin point the problem. Sometimes I'm able to boot to the desktop, and Windows hangs just as soon as WSA's tray icon loads.  Would it help if I were to force Windows to crash at that point, and produce a memory dump using the hot keys?
I wouldn't unless support says so also what version of NOD32 are you using? AV only or Security? I will install a trial of the version on a VM also what OS do you use?


Windows 7 X64, NOD 32 V 6.0.316.0 AV Only.  It want be necesarry to run NOD 32, and WSA together on a VM. The results would not be relevant to my case unless you have a Sony VIO Model VPCEB46FX.  I was running 6 Desktops with NOD 32 V 5.2.15,  and WSA together without any problems before I put my Desktops in Storage.  At that time I installed WSA on this Latptop with NOD 32, and I got BSOD's then.  This Laptop is picky! Lol
@ wrote:

Windows 7 X64, NOD 32 V 6.0.316.0 AV Only.  It want be necesarry to run NOD 32, and WSA together on a VM. The results would not be relevant to my case unless you have a Sony VIO Model VPCEB46FX.  I was running 6 Desktops with NOD 32 V 5.2.15,  and WSA together without any problems before I put my Desktops in Storage.  At that time I installed WSA on this Latptop with NOD 32, and I got BSOD's then.  This Laptop is picky! Lol

OK thanks for that info! I guess NOD32 & WSA together don't like Sony. :D


You can say that again! Talk about being picky! Intially I couldn't use WSA because of Shadow Defender making it incompatible with my Laptop.  That's been fixed. Now it's NOD 32! I believe I will build my own Laptop next time. I've been building my own Desktops for years now. I never have problems out of them.
Personally I like and have a Dell XPS 17" HD Laptop with Intel i7 Mobile Processor and 16GB of 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram I find no need for Desktops anymore.


Holly Cow!! 16 GB's of RAM in a Laptop! That has to be for your VM's.  My Sony Laptop has an i5 2.67 GHz with 4 GB's of DDR3 RAM.  I have some really powerful Desktop though.
@ wrote:

Holly Cow!! 16 GB's of RAM in a Laptop! That has to be for your VM's.  My Sony Laptop has an i5 2.67 GHz with 4 GB's of DDR3 RAM.  I have some really powerful Desktop though.

Yes I can run all 5 VM's and still have some Memory left and the Processor is not even taxed and still snappy with 2 SSD's.


