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In addition to one instance of Webroot SecureAnywhere (which I assume is normal) my Windows 10 Startup folder contains two instances of Webroot Installer. Is this normal?
Hi Chris_NH


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I think that you are confused as to what yo are seeing.  I assume that you are seeing:


Install Webroot FF RunOnce

Install Webroot IE RunOnce


If so then this is perfectly normal and required for NORMAL WSA operations. Those items are needed to be there in the Startup Folder for the Password Manager to work properly in Limited User Accounts.


If that is not what you are seeing then please post back.


Regards, Baldrick


Is this too much or just ok


Win10 laptop and Webroot Secure Anywhere v9.0.7.46


Install Webroot FF RunOnce

Install Webroot IE RunOnce

Install Webroot FF RunOnce

Install Webroot IE RunOnce



@ wrote:



Is this too much or just ok


Win10 laptop and Webroot Secure Anywhere v9.0.7.46


Install Webroot FF RunOnce

Install Webroot IE RunOnce

Install Webroot FF RunOnce

Install Webroot IE RunOnce




It's normal so no worries!




Daniel 😉
