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My Windows Defender is not active. Is this ok or...

I have Webroot Anivirus.

Thank You!  Merci!
Muddy7. je TE remercie , je le ferai à l'avenir .


Et au sujet de « mauvaise éducation » ... je ne suis pas d'accord ... comme je l'ai déjà dit ... mon éducation était du style « vieille école » ... je ne pas réussi à convertir à la façon plus moderne ;)
Donc, il faut que tu te déménages en Belgique. Nous sommes très modernes et nous nous tutoyons beaucoup!!

@ wrote:
Well I can barely speak and spell English LOLs. At least you and Baldrrick know another language. So you are intelligent as well!:D
But I see that you DO know another language! :S You fibber,,, 😃
@ wrote:

Ssherjj wrote:
Well I can barely speak and spell English LOLs. At least you and Baldrrick know another language. So you are intelligent as well!:D
But I see that you DO know another language! :S You fibber,,, :D

I have to keep up with what you guys are saying and that is through the GOOGLE translater!:D
Hi Baldrick,


Its a very good idea to stop those popup but how do you that ?


I bought Webroot from First Choice for 3 or 5 years. I have to check. Why by First Choice because when I was navigated on a website a message appear telling me: Danger...Dont touch anythink...Dont close your computer...Call this phone number. I was in panic. A lady answer me and said your computer need a repair but that will cost money (a lot) and after that they told me that I have to by Webroot...I dont remenber for how many years (3-5 years). Ill have to check that.


No No No MORE SystemFix...enough is enough. I wake up 🙂 after 3 times.


On my bill its the name of Blunt Computer Solutions. Do you know them?


First Choice sait they are authorized to do tech support for Microsoft and Apple products in North America. They said too: If you received an unsolicited call from another company then you may have fallen victim to a scam. They may say they work directly for Microsoft or some other major company.....If this happensdo not let them access your computer. Please write down the number...then call us.


Now I have a popup that appear régulièrememt..Save 35 % on every flight, etc.... I told the Microsoft Technician. He scan my computer and nothing change. I have to recontact Microsoft...I pay (again) for a one year service. One think I dont understand...After that scan, by two times, a message appear telling me again: Danger...Dont close your computer... Call this phone number. The firt time I call First Choice and she makes me to shut down and reopen my computer. Everythink was Ok. And the second tine, I did that again.


So I will have recontact Microsoft and explain that to them.


I Hope you understand my good english LOL LOL

Probably I repeat but I have a good excuse...I'm a old lady...LOL LOL So I can repeat myself many times LOL LOL

And Thank You to explain in french. Thats helping me!



In the next days I will try to answer to every post
Hi Katana.


I hope you're OK?


Here's again my advice. I'm sure Baldrick will agree with me:.


  • DON'T EVER contact "Microsoft" or "Microsoft Technician". Anyone who says they are "Microsoft" or "Microsoft Technician" is a scam (French: Ne contactez JAMAIS "Microsoft" ou "Technicien Microsoft". Toute personne qui prétend d'être "Microsoft" ou "Technicien Microsoft" est une arnaque)
  • First Choice is OK*
  • Even better, try Webroot Support (click this link). They may be able to help you although I'm not absolutely certain if they cover these kinds of problems. Advantage: they are completely free to anyone who has a Webroot Antivirus licence. (French: Même mieux, essayer Webroot Support (cliquez ce lien). Il est possible qu'il peut vous aider avec ce problème mais je ne suis pas certain que ses services couvrent cette sorte de problème. Avantage: il est entièrement gratuit pour toute personne abonné à leur antivirus)
  • Don't click any links on the internet that say "Webroot Support". They are also scams. Only click on the link that I have given you. This is also on your Webroot programme but it can be difficult to find. (French: Ne cliquez sur aucun lien sur l'internet qui dit "Support Webroot". Cliquez uniquement sur le lien que je vous ai donné. Ceci se trouve également sur votre programme Webroot mais il est difficile à trouver.)
  • Try contacting your Credit Card Company. It is possible that they will reimburse or partially reimburse you for these scams. They may also advise you to replace your credit card because the scammers have the credit card details. This will be entirely free. (French: Essayez de contacter votre société de carte de crédit. Il est possible qu'elle vous remboursera ou vous partiellement remboursera pour les arnaques. Il est possible aussi qu'elle vous conseillera de remplacer votre carte de crédit car les arnaqueurs possèdent tous les coordonnées de votre carte de crédit. Cette remplacement sera sans frais.)
Hope this helps :D




*EDIT: After reflection, I am less certain about First Choice: much less certain. You said: "Why by First Choice because when I was navigated on a website a message appear telling me: Danger...Dont touch anythink...Dont close your computer...Call this phone number." That sounds to me like very dubious sales techniques (French: cela a l'air d'être des techniques de vente très douteuses) Here is a webpage that I found about First Choice: . Not good :(

Donc mon conseil: la prochaine fois que vous avez un tel problème, essayer d'abord Webroot Support.. Si ses services ne couvrent pas cette sorte de problème, visitez votre magasin d'informatique de proximité. Aussi. demandez à Webroot si il peut tranferer la gestion de votre licence Webroot directement à eux. Ce sera beaucoup mieux si ce sera possible. 


By the way, your English is very good!!

Bonjour Katana


J'espère que vous allez bien?


Je ne l'ai pas entendu parler de Blunt Computer Solutions , mais quand je vérifie en termes de réputation Webroot les signale comme étant un site moyennement risqué de visiter ... qui est pas un bon signe .


Maintenant , pour arrêter les popups en utilisant un bloqueur de popup ; celui à installer dépend du navigateur que vous utilisez , et ci-dessous sont quelques suggestions:


Pour Internet Explorer - Ad Block Plus:


Pour Firefox - uBlock Origin: ou Privacy Badger:


Pour Google Chrome  - uBlock Origin:  ou Privacy Badger:


Pour installer le bon bloqueur il suffit de cliquer sur le lien approprié ci-dessus. Cela devrait vous amenez a une page donnent la possibilité d'installer le bloqueur ; juste cliquer le bouton ' Ajouter ' ou ' Installer ' sur la page web et ceci devrait suffir ... et puis vérifier pour voir si vous obtenez toujours les popups .


Faites-nous savoir si cela fonctionne ou non .


Cordialement, Baldrick

