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3 things to say here.

  • 27 January 2014
  • 14 replies

1. I can't log into my Back-up and Save. (already have a webroot account set-up but it''s not showing me a sign in thing.)


2. I love this Community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️


3. If I wanted to upgrade or update my subscription to webroot..... should I go with the Complete Version again? (I'll probably renew my subscription at some point anyway.)

14 replies

Userlevel 7
Quick question: What version is your current license?  Your point #3 indicates that you might not already have a WSA-Complete license, as you ask about upgrading to it.
Userlevel 4
I hate when my computer does the text correction thing itself!
I hame Webroot Home Complete for 3 devices but I only have it on 2 computers.
My laptop and the desktop through which the house has wi-fi.
Userlevel 7
Thank you for the quick reply, as I was hoping to clear this up for you before I have to get some sleep :)
I am going to cover all 3 points, but change the order a bit.
#2: I love it too and it is great to have you here!  Any time you have a question, please let us know, there are a lot of good friendly people here who enjoy helping others!
#3: Yes, I would suggest you consider upgrading to the WSA-Complete version, as it has additional features not found in the version you have, such as:
#1: Backup&Sync.  I believe you are not able to log in as it is only included with WSA-Complete.
Userlevel 4
Thank you for covering my topics.
It's good to know that I can turn to Webroot members for help.
I should be asleep right now too. I'm just not tired. LOL.
I hope you sleep well David. Take care of yourself.
Userlevel 7
Sleep well yourself.  I am not sure why, but I just can't get to sleep tonight.... oh well, hopefully soon!
This is a great place to learn about WSA, and we like to have a bit of fun too 🙂
Userlevel 4
Speak for yourself, I have 289 days remaining in my subscription!

I don't plan on letting it run out either.
I will be buying a new subscruiption to a new complete version when my time is close to ending.
Userlevel 7
You might see about contacting Webroot to see if you can upgrade the existing license to the Complete.  I do not know the details of how that is done.
Userlevel 4
So I can see.
I better learn alot for everyone here.
I just poked a bear..... so to speak.... in another topic.
Userlevel 4
I'm kind of wondering if they would upgrade me to that one now.
Userlevel 7
Lets find out what the Renew/Upgrade webpage has to say about it.  It will load up your license info automatically if you:
Open the WSA interface
Click on the 'gear tool' by My Account
Click the Upgrade/Renew button
When I click it, it knows I already have WSA-Complete, so it gives me options to add to the online storage only... what does it tell you?
Userlevel 4
Website: Shows me keycode entry and options to buy.
WebRoot SecureAnywhere Box: Show me either Support and security or just internet security options.
Userlevel 5
Badge +23
Perhaps this could be moved to a new thread so I stop getting emails, thinking someone has responded to my initial question.
Userlevel 4
Oh sorry Seeker, I will move it to a different topic. Sorry.
Userlevel 7
I moved the topic so that the notifications would stop. We do not have an upgrade system for Best Buy subscriptions since they are handled separately, but I can take a look at your keycode and see if there are other options. 
Can you please send it in a Private Message?
