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According to the writer of a software I'm using, I need to enable access to port 8888.


How do I do this?
Hi Graeme


Which application is it and is the requirement for inbound or outbound communications, or both?


In essence, for outbound the first use of the application should prompt WSA to display a popup that asks as to whether you want to allow connection, once, always or to block it. Do you recall that happening?


Also, what operating system are you using?


If you can provide some responses to the above we should be able to assist you.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick


Thanls for the quick response.


The application is MobileSheets Pro - - which is an Android app with two-way communication with a Windows PC.  In my case, I am running Windows !0.  I used to run Windows XP and I never had this problem then.


I've never seen a popup asking whether I wanted to establish communication (on either OS).


There is an option to manually connect the two computers together (by entering the IP address of the Android tablet) and this works  perfectly well. 
Hi Graeme


Well, that is strange as all my new apps that need to communicate out cause a prompt to be generate as described. :S


What you could try, if you are looking to open a specific port for outbound connectivity, is configuring a rule in the Windows Firewall, which is what WSA 'partners' & hardens to control/secure outbound connections.


To do this please take a look at this thread from the Microsoft Support Forums.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick


I am not using Windows Firewall, just WSA.  So the question has to be, how how I configure the latter to configure the access port?


I have already told WSA to accept the program concerned.


Hi Graeme


Unless you have specifically turned off the Windows Firewall, then you will be using it. WSA needs another firewall running as it only covers outbound connections. The Windows Firewall is left on when you install WSA so that it can cover inbound connections. 


Now you can turn pff the Windows Firewall but only if you replace it with a 3rd party alternative. Please see this KB Article for details on this topic.


The only way to allow a specific port to be opened is, I believe in your case, via the Windows Firewall, as there is no such option in when an application tries to connect outbound the SA firewall component should prompt for permissions and as it is smart it should then allow outbound communication (if that is whatnthe response to the prompt was) on the required port.


What you could try firstbis an uninstall of WSA and then a clean reinstall, i.e., NOT importing previous settings when offered by the installer (can supply instructions for that if required) and then run the app concsrned again monitoring for the outbound connection prompt.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick

Managing the firewall

The SecureAnywhere firewall monitors data traffic traveling out of your computer ports. It looks for untrusted processes that try to connect to the Internet and steal your personal information. It works with the Windows firewall, which monitors data traffic coming into your computer. With both the SecureAnywhere and Windows firewall turned on, your data has complete inbound and outbound protection.

You should not turn off either the Windows firewall or the SecureAnywhere firewall. If they are disabled, your system is open to many types of threats whenever you connect to the Internet or to a network. These firewalls can block malware, hacking attempts, and other online threats before they can cause damage to your system or compromise your security.

The SecureAnywhere firewall is preconfigured to filter traffic on your computer. It works in the background without disrupting your normal activities. If the firewall detects any unrecognized traffic, it opens an alert where you can block the traffic or allow it to proceed.


Hi Daniel


Thanks for the assist.:D


The OP is running under Windows 10 and so at present will have to do an uninstall/clean reinstall to reset the permissions...uncortunately. Or have I missed something? :$


Regards, Baldrick


That's the only way to reset the Firewall unfortunately for Windows 8 and 10 users. 😞 But some good news is coming as it says in Process but when? :D


Daniel 😉
Cheers, Daniel, for the confirmation. :D


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Guys


Thanks for all this info.  I've just got home and it's nearly 5 am, so I'm off to bed.  I'll take a closer read tomorrow.


One thing I do know, not only is Windows Firewall not running -  I can't start it either, comes up with an error message.  Can't recall what it is and I'm not going to start looking for it now!!


G'night and thanks again.


Hi Graeme


Thanks for the update. Let us know what the message is as if the Windows Firewall is indeed not running, and you do not have another one installed as an alernative then yur system could be at risk. on the inbound connection side.


Regards, Baldrick
