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Greetings all!

As of today, when I click on "access web console," Webroot takes me to a "create account" page.  It seems to have forgotten me, so I cannot access my account to manage passwords. Ideas?

Thank you!
Correction: Webroot has not forgotten me, but the program has. I can login if I begin on the internet at the the home page then go to account. The issue occurs when I use the program icon in the system tray, which normally leads to directly to th login page. (sorry for unclear question above)
Not sure what is going on re. your system but when I try what you have describe I get to the onlinemconsolemafter being told thst my keycode is regsitered...which I just click through to the console.


Cannot seem to reproduce what you are seeing. Would you be able to provide more details as to you issue?


Regards, Baldrick
Hello Baldrick,


Thanks for trying.


Not sure how to describe it or what information would help except that I've always been able to access web console site by clicking on the Webroot program icon in the task tray and then clicking on "my account" then "Access Web Console," which I assume is what most people do to access it.


The program knows its registration code and seems to be running as usual, but can't seem to connect the product registration with my existing Webroot account because it directs me to a Webroot page (at least it looks like a Webroot page) that asks me to create a new Webroot account as though I have not had one for years.  It seemed like a bad idea to fill in the info because that could mean either I had created a second or superfluous account ID (It tell me there are advantages to having a Webroot account), overwritten my existing one, or, at worst, was providing info to an invalid site. (It's that last possibility that is the most bothersome.)


Otherwise, I can still access Webroot by starting in the browser and going to the Webroot homepage. 


Security can be baffling, but that's we all use Webroot -- so we don't have to worry so much about it.


Is there anything specific that would help answer the question?
HI celz1357


What you describe is one way of accessing the online console, but one can go to it directly by using this URL. Either way you still eventually get to a page where one has to enter ones registration email address & password, after which one has to enter 2 characters of one's Security Code.


As far as I know this is the same for all WSA users, unless it is different for users of the Best Buy/Geek Squad which version are you running?


In terms of the "directs me to a Webroot page (at least it looks like a Webroot page) that asks me to create a new Webroot account"...are yo able to take a screen shot of what you are being presented with and then post it here as I think that would help greatly.


Agreed, you should not be creating a new registration if you currently believe you have one as that will no doubt exacerbate the problem.


See if you can provide the screenshot requested and we can look to go from there.


Regards, Baldrick

Hi Baldrick,

Below is the page image minus the registration code and my email address (deleted them before posting clipping).


I changed my password and code on the accounts page to see if the system just wanted updated ones, but that didn't seem to be the problem. It was worth a try.  


Meanwhile the warning saying Webroot protection is turned off is still popping up -- 3 times in the last few minutes., so I wonder if the two issues are related? It seems like more than a coincidence that these problems are occurring at the same time. What do you think?


Thanks for your assistance! 






Oh, and I forgot your other question: It came directly from Webroot  and has for at least 10 years. It wasn't until Windows 8.1 and 10 that so many issues started occurring, so I only recently joined the community, but should have joined sooner!  
Hi celz1357


Thanks for postingthe screen shot. That is most helpful.  It looks like you are being taken to the wrong section for some reason as this is what I see whn I take the option you are mentioning, and yo are ending up as if you have clicked on (1) rather than being in a position to enter your credentials under (2).



Can you get to (2) to enter your registration credentials? You should be able to if you have already created an online console!


Regards, Baldrick
Wow, Baldrick, quick reply!


Yes, that is the page where I've always signed in, and in the past few days have been going there as described to login.  It's just puzzling why the systram tray program is misdirecting me.
The program seems to know it is registered, so would it confuse things if I try to register it again?  It has not been renewed recently so there should be no need to register again unitl the next renewal?
Hi celz1357


There should be no need to ever re-register for whatever reason...once registered one is registered...renewal or otherwise.


I still cannot fathom the access to the online account from the notificaiton tray icon; I do not have the options at all...I have to click 'View status' and then from the may app menu clcik on 'My Account' and then 'Access Web Console' which takes to to the page I have previously posted, etc.


Regards, Baldrick


If you have not tried it yet I would go for an uninstall/claen reinstall of WSA...if you want to please follow the steps below closely!


  • Make sure you have a copy of your 20 Character Alphanumeric Keycode! Example:SA69-AAAA-A783-DE78-XXXX
  • KEEP the computer online for Uninstall and Reinstall to make sure it works correctly
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and do NOT import any settings if offered by the installer; to as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
then try the access method as per what you have decribed, and let us know if there is any change.


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick,


When you double click the WSA tray icon, does it not bring up the large olive-green panel that has a list of options on the righthand side?   Among them is "my account" which then provides the "access web console" option, which (usually) takes you directly to sign into the console with password and code.  It really doent matter -- this way just seems faster and to bypass several clicks.


I"m still wondering if the misdirection to the registration site has to to with WSA turned off warnings.  They are going crazy today in sprees of multiple pop-ups in seconds of each other.  It's hard to believe that is a coincidence.
Hi celz1357


OK, I is the same way that I was suggesting as getting into the online console...LOL...just from a different start point.


The popup issues and this may be linked but I would not know.


When you go to the online console sign on screen and you enter your email address & password in the Login box, what you get a message about the crfedentials entered? I am unclear as to why, if you are already registered, you should not get past that sreen and then be asked to enter the 2 random characters of your security code?


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick,

I just tried signing in that way to be certain -- silly me -- because it is still taking me to the create new account page (Haven't felt up to reinstalling the program yet again, but that is probably a good idea.  How often should we need to reinstall?) 


Anyway, usually, it takes me to the page you attached above to sign in, then asks for the 2-digit code, then to console. (I'm not sure if I've answered the question you asked.  I gettting a bit confused, but I think we're on the same page -- so to speak. 
OK, so lets recap:


1. You are a registered user, i.e., you have had previously an online account, based on an email address + password

2. You have a Security Code 

3. YOu have successfully signed in in the past

3. But when you now enter your email address + password you are told that the account does not exist and that you should create one


If that is the case then it sounds as if you credentials have somehow become corrupted or lost, and if tha is the case then you will need to Open a Support Ticket to get the Support Team to look into this as we volunteers do not have access to the back office systems which hoeld/control the credentials.


You could try the uninstall/clean may help with the pop notifications (which is another issue that is known and being followed up by the Support Team), but I suspect that it will do nothing for your crfedentials issue...that needs to the Support Team to investigate.


Sorry that I cannot give you better news.


Let us know what you decide and fi the Support Team come back on the ticket, then what they say.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks for recap!  That helps clarify!

Correct till 4th step, which I may not have made clear.  The system tray icon option takes me to the page I attached above, but already knows my email and registration code, (I temporarily cut them before taking the screen shot, then replaced them), but does not recognize that I have an account. However, if I approach the login screen from the browser and go to a bookmarked link, it takes me to the right page (same as you attached above) and allows me to login as always, so the Webroot site knows I have an account; it seems to be the program that does not.  


That is why I can't help wondering if the issue is realted to the error causing us to get WSA turned off messages -- it only seems to involve the link in the system tray program. 


If anyone else has the problem, that might be the case.


I'd ignore something like this because it isn't that difficult to bypass the error, but because it involves security I can't ignore it. 


Thank you again!
Hi celz1357


I think that from what you ahve said you need to open the support ticket and get the Support team to investigate as there is something not quite right here, and they have the detailed means to investigate it & resolve it for you.


Regards, Baldrick
Thank you. I'll do that.


Oh, just caught on to your quote: Babylon5 Shadow War?

(I caught on to Blackadder right away)


May the Force be with you!


I'm marking the last reply as a solution, but it was actually the entire train of thought.  Thank you!
Hi celz1357


You are far to kind...I am just sorry that we have not been able to sort the issue for you.


Please do come back, as and when the Support Team respond and resolve the issue for you (as I am sure they will ;))  and let us know what the 'Create account'-related issue stems from and what has been done to resolve it. Such feedback is invaluable to us in the Community in terms of being better able to assist Community member going forward if and when they present with the same or a similar issue.


Many thanks in anticipation of your further input in this matter.


Regards, Baldrick


PS. Yes, I have to admit that I am a Babylon 5 fan (amongst may other scifi series) and in particular a fan of the Rangers and their fight against The Shadows...truly 'scary' baddies...;)
Thanks, Baldrick.

...late start today. (Hope to begin earlier tomorrow.)  I'll certainly let you know when I have a solution.


PS: Yes, also a scifi fan. B5 was interesting moody atmospheric series.
Hi Baldrick,

Webroot says the "direct to create account" is not a security concern and possibly has to do with the way the browser handles cookies since updates, but they will look into it. Therefore, I'm not going to worry about it because it only means clicking elswhere to access the console.


Thank for your help and the force be with you!
Hi celz1357


Many thanks for the update/feedback...good to know.


And my the Forece be with you too,...and Live long and Prosper. ;)


