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After installing and removal of some problems I no longer can open either IE or Google Chrome.  The installed worked fine on two of my other computers but will not allow connection to the internet on the third.  However I am able to open Microsoft outlook and pull down all of my new mail.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi cajunn


Welcome to the Community Forums.


This comes up occassionally and in some instances this has been due to an older veriosn of Webroot installed in the past.  Is that the case for you re. the computer you are having the issue with.  If so, it is possible that remnants of the old program (more specifically the old firewall) are still on your computer and could be causing the issue you're experiencing. There is an easy way to test this as we have removal tools that will remove all traces of the old product, but don't want to give you the spiel if this is not the case.


Do let us know, either way, and if not we will have to think about plan B. ;)


Regards, Baldrick
