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Hi there


I was wondering if there is any way to disable or prevent WRSyncManager.exe from running?


I cannot find a way, either overtly or view the 'back door', to prevent this .exe from running


Now, before the storm of questions as to why I would want to do so, that it defeats the whole object of the Backup & Sync functionality, etc., please just accept that I have my own, considered reasons for asking/wanting to, and that I do not want to start a polemic surrounding the merits or not of these reasons, but rather get answers to my question so that if necessary I can lodge a formal request for the introduction of this fucntionality to be considered for addition to a future version.


I , personally,  think that it would be good to have such a configuration option, perhaps in Settings or a slider at the top of the Backup & Sync panel, to allow the user to disable or enable (enabled is suggested as the default) this functionality if, for some reason, they wish it.  In my view there would be no need to change the Overview panel to indicate the status of Backup & Sync, as it is not currently indicated as a matter of course.


Many thanks in advance.


Balders :D
Hello Baldrick, Balders,


The "WRSyncManager.exe" process is an integral part of SecureAnywhere and is used by other features of SecureAnywhere and therefore cannot be disabled.  The process itself only uses about 32K of memory and should not affect the operation of other products you have installed.




Hi Howard


Thanks for the response.  I apprecaite what you are saying however I found the process peaking far higher than the value you have advised...may be a momentary blip but as I have decided not to use the Back & Sync options it would be nice to be able to disable them completely.  However, if that is not to be then so be it...but it is a shame.





HI Balders,


When I mentioned the 32K memory use, I meant to say that 32K was the "average" memory usage of that process.  As far as your request to be able to stop that process if not using the backup & Sync feature, I would suggest that you create a New post under the Webroot Ideas Exchange 

section of the Community. When you post and Idea in this section it can then be voted on by other members of the Community and will also allow our product Engineers to see the request.


Thanks again,


Hi Howard


Thanks for the tip!





Glad I could help you out.


Have a great day,


@ wrote:
as I have decided not to use the Back & Sync options it would be nice to be able to disable them completely.
If you intend to not use the Sync capability at all, you may be able to do an uninstall/reinstall of the agent and thereafter not select to install the Sync capability from that section.  The downside is that this is prior capability, and I'm not certain right now if this option still exists or will continue to if it does.  That is why I say "may be able to".
Hi Kit, thanks for the response. I sort of stumbled upon it myself as a result of uninstalling/reinstalliing to 'deal' with the wrdata size issue. Am re-evaluating the decision not to use Backup & Sync options but at present the issue is resolved.

