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Just wondering if the files in WSA cloud are stored encrypted? So if a hackers hacks into WSA cloud, would the files be safe?


Hello there!


Yes, it is encrypted.  While this post is a bit old, nothing has changed.  Webroot's Backup solution is encrypted and has never been hacked.
Also if you watch this Recorded Webinar I'm sure he said there are 10 snapshots backed up (so I think maybe @ can remember) so even Ransomeware can't defeat Back Up and Sync he just said not to use the first couple of snapshots and pick a snapshot before infection it's a good learning Video, also all communication from the WSA Client to the Cloud is encrypted as well when it checks your files against the Cloud database.




Daniel 😉
Thank you Daniel!


I did NOT know about the 10 snapshots.  That is awesome!  Needless to say, I have not had a chance to catch the replay of the Webinar yet... I think I know what I will be doing tonight!


Needless to say, we work as a TEAM around here.  No one knows everything, I just learned something on this question.  But together we have a lot of knowledge and love to help.


Come on back any time you have a question or a problem, or just want to say Good Morning 🙂
