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Can anyone explain why a driver download for a webcam would estimate 12 hours?

I've had issues with my computer for a while and have contacted Customer Service previously concerning being hacked on the fly. My subscription renewal is forthcoming, so this is pretty much a make or break issue for me. I didn't download the drivers because the time was ridiculous. Hopefully, I can get some help here from a computer god with advanced knowledge of webroot as well.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi and Welcome to the Webroot Community,

Are you doing anything in the background or installing other programs? Have you tried another browser? You could clear your history and cookies which could help.

Sometimes it will say 12 hrs but once it starts it should go faster.

Please get back to us if none if this helps.
Thank you for the warm welcome Sherry,


There are things running in the background being monitored, some of which looks as if dual applications running. Insertions of characters that were not in an original web address has happened as well. I've operated computers for a very long time and have never experienced this level of 'unexplainable" occurences.

The time for downloading the driver did drop, but it was still a ridiculous amount of time to download the driver for the internal webcam. I haven't changed to another browser permanently. I cut my computer teeth on EI and I really hate to switch over unless it's a last resort. I've experienced other browsers and didn't care for them. Chrome/Firefox....briefly.

I did send in a ticket for "above and beyond" help with whatever gremlin as moved into my Toshiba.

I need an intervention. 😠
Hi there TheKitty,


You are welcome;)


Are you downloading the driver from the manufactures website for your type of Cam? Sometimes if you close out of the internet then go back on. May I ask you what Website you are trying to install your driver? A driver shouldn't take long to download.


I am not sure what you mean by character occurences in your browser?


You have submited a Support Ticket to Webroot or to Cam support?


@ wrote:

Hi there TheKitty,


You are welcome;)


Are you downloading the driver from the manufactures website for your type of Cam? Sometimes if you close out of the internet then go back on. May I ask you what Website you are trying to install your driver? A driver shouldn't take long to download.


I am not sure what you mean by character occurences in your browser?


You have submited a Support Ticket to Webroot or to Cam support?



Hey Sherry,

I was attempting to download the driver from Toshiba for the device installed in my system. I'll attach a.jpg or two for clarification.


Actually, the occurences I was referring to tend to be things like astericks running in login boxes....that sort of thing. :@

I submitted a Support Ticket to Webroot.

Thank you for posting the.jpgs,


Well is this the site you are downloading from?


That's great that you have contacted the Webroot Support Team. They can figure out what those characters are in your login boxes.


You could have PUAs have a look at that KB article and see if that helps while you are waiting for support. Support usually takes 24-48 hrs, to respond if not quicker. If you do have PUAs that could slow down your driver download as well.


Please let us know how things turn out for this is always valuable information for others in similar situations,;)
@ wrote:

Thank you for posting the.jpgs,


Well is this the site you are downloading from?


That's great that you have contacted the Webroot Support Team. They can figure out what those characters are in your login boxes.


You could have PUAs have a look at that KB article and see if that helps while you are waiting for support. Support usually takes 24-48 hrs, to respond if not quicker. If you do have PUAs that could slow down your driver download as well.


Please let us know how things turn out for this is always valuable information for others in similar situations,;)

Thank you again, Sherry. Yes, that was the download site I had accessed. I absolutely will take a look at the article you provided. I had briefly read the info concerning PUAs. I've also approached Windows Support Forum, as well as, Toshiba's Support Forum. Apparently, Windows 8.1 came out of the box pre-installed with some problems. I found a post that an HP owner had posted trying to get some help so he could move on with his life beyond his purchase. Just....grrrrrr. 😉
You are welcome!


Sounds like you are getting well informed!;)


I also ran the details for the Webroot Log. This is a partial.jpg clip. If I knew where to send it, I would get a jump on information they need to troubleshoot the situations. :@

No worries there they will know where to find the Webroot Logs...
Hello Sherry,

I just wanted to touch base to let you know that after following your suggestions I was able to download the drivers and get the webcam functioning. The rest is still fubar, but hopefully a Webroot Technical Support Expert will contact me about an in depth look into the belly of this situation while I'm still breathing.


Thanks for you help as a webroot forum deity and overall nice woman.;)
Hello TheKitty,


Why Thankyou for your kindness and for letting us know that you did get your driver downloaded. Yeah! ;)


Please keep us posted when you find out from Support won't you?


You are most welcome and it's been a pleasure being able to assist you! :D



I actually received some pieced together, sad representation of a thrown together message from a previous caset, but certainly that wasn't meant to be an official response from Webroot.


It didn't even contain a live link in the email. What would you suggest I do? Copy the text  web message address and send it back with the Subject: Hello....It's still Fubar!:@


Political Correctness isn't one of my strong suits.;)


Warm Regards,

The Kitty
Hi TheKitty,


Well if you submitted a Support ticket with Webroot you will get an email giving you a live link to respond to your ticket And a response from them in your email as well.. Let us know if you don't hear from them within the next few days...beings that it.was a weekend it might take longer?
@ wrote:

Hi TheKitty,


Well if you submitted a Support ticket with Webroot you will get an email giving you a live link to respond to your ticket And a response from them in your email as well.. Let us know if you don't hear from them within the next few days...beings that it.was a weekend it might take longer?

Hello Sherry,

I've gathered various communications in the form of .jpgs to zip to some flippin' webroot goddess or overall computer genius. I'm not a particularly patient person when it comes to people "passing the buck". :@


Software programmers or engineers are far more qualified to deal with this crap I've encountered with this laptop. Had I known Windows 8.1 was crap out of the box right off the shelf, I would have shopped around a bit longer. Unfortunately, I had been out of the technical loop for a long while and was unaware.


I hope you're having a Zen day somewhere. 😠
