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Hello Everyone.


In my last post I was told How to activate my Webroot Complete.

Everything was working Ok, But I started getting that Red message indicating that my computer is at risk  Buy webroot.

So I activated again. But again that message pops up that my subscription has expired and now It is green again.

Could you please let me know what is going on. Do I have to activate the computer every few hours ?

If I keep on activating the same computer, Do I loose my Activation for my other computer ?

Thank you very much.
Hello Venus60, Sorry you having this problem but it's not normal to have to keep activating WSC. Hence if it was me I'd go into the the Http:// logging in using your email and Webroot password to log into your Webroot account and see what PC s that are activated.and you'll be able check manage key codes on the left side of screen which gives you options to contact support or you could first uninstall WSAC and restart computer and install new copy of WSAC but save your key code and reinstall WSAC again.

If that was me I'd try that first before contacting support or wait abit for ,@triplehelex and let them answer this question..or our other great knowledgable volunteers..

Someone will surely post back soon with more expertise...

Dear SSherjj.


Thanks. I did go to the webroot account. It only shows one computer and It shows the old key number.


I have computers and I have activated all these 3 computers. In other words when I go to the webroot account. All my three computers should be there am i correct ?


If the other computers are not showing why dose the Webroot indicating that my computer is protected ?

Thank you very much.
Hi venus60


Read this thread:

Help for the SecureAnywhere Website



Thank you

Best regard, Petr.



Dear petrovic.


Thanks. My question Is If you don't see your computer at the webroot center, Is that means you are not protected.

If that is the case, so why the green webroot page indicates my computer is protected ?

Thank you very much.
Yes that means you are protected.
Dear Ryan.


If the computer is protected why it dose not show in the main console webroot center ?

Read this thread:
Scan the computer for viruses if it does remove them!
Hi Venus60


Sorry to hear that you are having issues re. this.


If WSA on any of your systems is showing as Green then that system is protected.  If WSA is Red then malware or suspected malware has been detected, and if WSA is showing Amber/Orange then that usually means that either some or all of the protection modules are disabled or that your license is about to expire/you need to renew.


If you can not see the system/PC in the Web Console it just means that this system/PC has not been registered to the Web Console, that is all, and there may be a number of reasons for that, and Petrovic has kindly provided a link (reproduced here) to a post that should be able to help you.


As that post states in the last paragraph, as to why your systems are not showing yet showing, may be due to the need to run a scan on them first.  Sometimes a new system is not shown until that first scan is run.  So do try that and then check back into the Web Console.


Also, if I recall correctly, you are moving to Complete, so you have been using a different version on at least one of the system?  Another potential stumbling block is that you may have inadvertently deactivated your system from the Web Console previously.  If that is indeed the case (and I have done it myself...;)) you will need to reactivate them in order to see them.  Again, in the post from the link that Petrovic provided you will find a further link to a KB Article that covers Reactivation (reproduced here).


Give the above a go and then post back with the results...we will of course look to help you out as best we can.








Dear Baldrick.


Thank you very much. I have always been using the Complete.

Also, all my computers after the installation have done a Scan.

I have 3 computers this is only happening to one computer window 8.1.

The protection is Green. For example: I just Turned on my computer and The Red Message came up again that you are at Risk Buy.  But when I go to my Webroot It is green and protected.

It seems like an Webroot advertisement POP-UP.   But it dose not happen to the other 2 Computers.

As far as seeing the computers from the main Console, If I am still protected while not seen In the console, so what is the purpose to be seen there ?

If there is no problem can I just leave it alone or It Is better to be seen In the main Console ?

Once again thank you very much

Hi Venus 60...Will. try to make this simple. .did you follow the links provided to you..if i understand correctly if you go int the Webroot console you can activate if same license your other computer. If you cant add anotherer computer then open a support ticket. Old license might be conflicting not sure.@Baldrick or @ have sent you links in pprevious posts........Wish i could be more help.


Thank you very much. I did go to the Webroot Console, and now It dose show the computers. It is working ok.

Thank you  Petrovic.
Hi Venus60


No problem at all...whoever we are in the Community we all like to help each other as best we can...that is what makes the Fora so cool.


Glad to see that you are sorted re. the Web Console...but I seem to understand that you still have an issue on the one system with the Red pop...would yo ube able to take a screen capture of it and either post here or PM me with I can take a closer look and advise accordingly.  It may well be a Open a Support Ticket job...but would like to checkbe fore I send you off in that direction given that we in the Community have no access to anything that s related to 'marketing'...which this might well be...but best to be sure.


I await your feedbakc on this...but if anything further comes up in relation to this then post know where we all are...;)






