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I've used Webroot for years... Good stuff you guys!


The "May be a dangerous website" warning is a nice feature... But how can I control its sensitivity?


I get the warning far too frequently! I get the warning even when I go to sites that I *KNOW* are fine.. (I've built them, maintain them and am responsible for their security.. They are scanned daily for security problems - they in no way are dangerous)


What sorts of things trip the "may be dangerous" warning? Is there a way for me to desensitize it?



Hello kdawes01 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


You can't change the sensitivity but if you feel a website is being blocked and shouldn't be just fill out this form: more info here: and how it works




Daniel 😉
Hi kdawes01


Welcome to the Community Forums...


EDIT: Ah, I see that Daniel beat me to it again...:D


There is currenlty no way for us as users to do that from the client but what we can do is to notify Webroot via either:


IP Reputation Change Request  OR


URL Reputation Change Request


depending on which is appropriate the the circumstances.


Not brilliant, and it is time consuming, but for the moment that is it until the new Web Threat Filtering develops further...which I am pretty certain it will.








Hi kdawes01


One other small suggestion...if you have any ideas about what sort of 'sensitivity' functionality might be a useful feature then why not raise a Feture Request in the Ideas Exchange (see top of any page) where other users can comment on & support your idea if they find it a good one...and the Development Team do review ideas submitted there.


Every little they say!





Thanks for the quick responses!


I'll leave something as a Feature Request.. And thanks also for a place to send "site is ok" messages!



Hi Ken


I am sure I speak for Daniel too when I say that you are most welcome.  We are always happy to help if we can.


Please post back here as and when you have submitted your Feature Request...that way we will know about it more promptly and can swing by and comment/support it, etc.


Also hope that you pop by from time to time...we would be pleased to see you back. :D








