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I have an issue with Webroot interfering with a program called docman. It is a document management software that takes scans and plugs in to adobe acrobat to make tickets. The forms are not being filled out, and when they try to scan they get and ISIS Eror - Can't open file. F_PIXIF Version (61021).   I have worked with epicor (docman) tech support and they seem to think that it is webroot.  Any help troubleshooting would be apreciated.
Hello and Welcome to the Community Forum,


Would you please refer to this thread here especially Baldricks directions for allowing programs,files in Webroot.




Let us know if you still need more assistance.


Kind Regards,
I know this thread is 3 years old but I'm having the EXACT same issue with DocMan, and as soon as I uninstalled WebRoot it started working again. Did you ever get this resolved? 
Hello @,


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


Please see the link that @ referenced in the post above yours from Baldrick. It will show you how to allow prgram files in Webroot. If you'd rather not go that route, you can also submit a support ticket and Webroot Support can assist. ;)


Hope this info helps,
I don't want to do this through the user interface, we turn that off, I want to be able to whitelist a program from the SecureAnywhere portal. I made an Override for the directory, but that didn't seem to make a difference.
@ wrote:

I don't want to do this through the user interface, we turn that off, I want to be able to whitelist a program from the SecureAnywhere portal. I made an Override for the directory, but that didn't seem to make a difference.

Hi Sean,

In that case then you will need to submit a support ticket so Webroot support can whitelist the files for you. There is no way to whitelist files via the Web Console in the Webroot Home version.

