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Exclude Metasploit Framework

  • 31 August 2022
  • 1 reply

I have to use Metasploit for a class I am taking on Cybersecurity, is there a way to exclude Metasploit and its framework from webroot? I checked all the ALLOW options I could find, it still flags them as bad. It is SecureAnywhere CE 22.3. Appreciate suggestions to get these resolved. 



1 reply

Userlevel 7
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You should be able to allow all the files and then scan all clear (green). If you finish a scan after allowing and restoring from quarantine and it still finds more, that’s normal and you should uncheck anything else new it finds. You have to finish a scan clean for to stop showing threats so it may take a few scans. That was my experience when allowing crypto miner executables. 


However, if while working in this class you are actively auto creating/generating “bad” binaries then you may want to make a decision to disable some settings (shields) or disable Webroot while in this class altogether. Click the top right icon for advanced settings and uncheck these two boxes



Remember this will compromise your actual security to a degree and Webroot will only check binaries that are actively executing, but you are in a cybersecurity class so I’ll leave it up to you to make the final decision
