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Formating and Completley Wipe The External Hard Drive

  • 7 January 2022
  • 7 replies

Hello Everyone.


I purchased a 14TB External Hard Drive. After Coping my information Into the External Drive, I noticed The company made a mistake and send me 12TB instead of 14TB.  I called the Company, and they said to Delete all the Info, and send us the External Had Drive Back to us, and we shall send you the correct size. I can easily Format the Drive, but How can I Erase and totally Wipe all the In Information's Completely from the external Hard Drive.

Thank you very much.

Hello @venus60 


Just format it a couple times and that should do it! Just don’t put any files on it.



Dear TripleHelix.

It Is always a pleasure to hear from your professional advice, and I appreciate it very much.  I am formatting the Drive, I have Unchecked the Quick Format, and so far its 6 Hours and still Formatting. One question please.

I was talking to my friend, and he is a Computer Engineer, he told me they are companies out there,  they do Hard Drive Recovery, and even If you Completely Format your Drive, with special Tools, most of the Data can be recovered. Is that True ?


Hello @venus60 


Anything is possible but highly unlikely!



Dear TripleHelix.

So Technically, I need a Secure Erase. I remember long time ago,  Webroot had its own Secure Erase, Window Washer, with different Levels of Bleaching. Also, there is CC Cleaner. Do you recommend CC Cleaner for Secure Erase or Window Washer, or any other software ?


Hello @venus60  you have Webroot Internet Security Complete right?


You can use this to wipe the drive using the Max setting or Medium? just Right Click on that Drive then to the wipe. Again with such a large drive it will take time.


  1. Move the slider to the right to select any of the following options:
  • Normal — Deletes the files without overwriting them.
  • Medium — Overwrites the data with three passes.
  • Maximum — Overwrites the data with seven passes.





Dear TripleHelix.

Yesterday, I did not know that I could use the Secure Erase from Webroot, Therefore, I Downloaded C Cleaner Free Version, and Use the Drive Wiper, I used the Entire Drive ( All Data will be erased), and used the Advanced Overwrite 3 Passes. It Showed 2 and a Half days of remaining. After 2 and a Half days of reaming, when C Cleaner finished the Driver Wipe, Do you recommend me to use the Webroot Wipe ?


I never used CCleaner Wipe but it should be good enough with 3 passes!


