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I am unable to generate any secure passwords. I followed the instruction on the Password User Guide. When I click inside the password field, the Generate Secure Password dialog does not pop up. And yes I am logged on.


If I open it from the Webroot Icon in my toolbar guide, it will come then come up, but only give me the option to Copy and not Accept.


I'm assuming this will only work with a new user registration since previous registered websites I have already created a password,


I tried to register on a new site and I got the same results. I realize the manual says if it doesn't open automatically you must do it from the toolbar.


Is there something I am not understanding or doing correctly? I have no problems with adding websites that I have previously registered on. :(


The feature that you are referring to is for creating a secure password that you can customize (minimum digits, special characters, numbers, length, etc) and then copy & paste into the required field during the creation of a new password. You can customize the fields and click Generate>Copy>Cntrl + V into the registration form where you are registering or changing a password that already exists (images below).


Google Chrome


Internet Explorer



If you need additional help, a remote session may be a better approach to this issue. If you would like to go that route, you can Reply to your Support Ticket with detailed information about the password issue with your phone number and a good time of day to call and one of our technicians will be able to provide that service.
I think I finally figured it out. When I try to generate a secure password, my web page in IE ver 8 looks a bit different than what the manual shows. Mine shows a yellow or red banner on top of the web page that asks me if I want to make this site a secure website.

And then there is operator error (me). I was trying to create a secure password on sites I had already registered with. It didn't dawn on me unitl after the fact that these would be for new sites or possibly sites where I can change my password.


It seems to be working fine now.  :D


Excellent news! :D


No worries at all, but it is just an additional feature to provide more security if you don't want to create the passwords by yourself.
How is this done on the 2014 version of WebRoot Complete?  When I click the WebRoot icon, there is no "Tools" menu.
How is this done on the 2014 version of WebRoot Complete?  When I click the WebRoot icon, there is no "Tools" menu.


EDIT: Merged duplicate post.
Welcome to the community @ !


Sign in first , then click on the icon. You will see it under tools

In Firefox and IExplore, generate secure password is still under tools, located at the top of the tools list.


Hope that helps and hope to see you here again soon!


Hi Beth @ , 


Thanks for your answer. I am new to WebRoot altogether, so I guess I need a little more guidance. I use Chrome as my main browser. Where should I be signing in, after which I will see the Tools option?


I appreciate it!

@ wrote:

Hi Beth @ , 


Thanks for your answer. I am new to WebRoot altogether, so I guess I need a little more guidance. I use Chrome as my main browser. Where should I be signing in, after which I will see the Tools option?


I appreciate it!


Hi @ 


My pleasure, glad I could help. 


I am using Chrome as well right now


sign in with the webroot toolbar in your chrome browser. Once you sign in the icon turns green. Click on it and you will see the dropbox in my last post


Nice to have you here. Feel free to browse around and ask questions. There is a lot of valuable information here and many knowledgeable members here that are happy to assist in anyway they can. We also have a fantastic tech support team! You can contact them here if you need them.



Hi Shelli


Just for not worry too much if what yo see is not quite the same dropbox as that whicj Beth posted...there has been a change in the dropbox format depnednig on the version of the Password Manager extension that you have...the options are the same...just the presentation is different.


I mention this as it has caused some confusion in the Community in the past.






@ what is the current version for Chrome? and if there is a newer version, how does one get it?
Well, that is a moot point, I run the beta version rather than the release version...and there will be a difference there.  However, from what i have seen there seems to be a difference even amongst users of the same version whether it be release or beta channel.


There has even been a suggestion that it can depend on under what path own's version of Chrome is installed, as you can vary it.


Suffice to say in summary that I susepct that all versions are much of a muchness so as long as you have a version installed you are OK.


I believe that Webroot are working on this area and with the lockdown by Google which means that addons to Chrome can ONLY come via the store, I believe that soon Webroot will been making the addons available via that mechanism, so we should all be able to get the same version regardless.


@ please correct me if I am wrong but I do believe we exchanged on this a while back further to a response by @ :8





Thanks for the info!

I too am running the WSA Complete Beta right now. I did notice a few months back when I was running the Best Buy version that my chrome PW changed. I had contacted support about it and after a few communications they informed me that there was an update. 


When I installed WSA Complete, the password manage that installed was the one I had the first time 2.5.5 and that is what I have now with the Beta.
