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I just renewed my Webroot for a year and my computer and laptop register the new license key but for some reason both my phone & tablet still says license is expiring in 7 days.  How do I get the new security code in my phone app?  When I sign into my account on it says there also that my mobile needs attention even though I've entered my new security key on the site.  VERY FRUSTRATING!
Hi fredricaporter


Welcome to the Community Forums.


This is a classic case of a 'pseudo' renewal. What you have in effect done is not renewed (if you had 'really' renewed the additional time would have been added to your existing keycode/subscription) but effectively bought a new subscription as evidenced by the new keycode that you have entered.


So what is actually happening is that your 'old' subscription and the new are running concurrently and the expiry message is coming from the 'old' keycode that still has time on it....and will most likely continue with the warnings until full expiry has occurred. The only way I know of to stop the warning is to Open a Support Ticket and ask the Support Team to cancel the 'old' subscription.


One other thing I should advise you about; if you currently use either Internet Security Plus or Complete versions (and as you have posted in the forum for the latter I assume that you are using that version?), AND also using the Password Manager and or the Back up and Sync features, then moving to a new keycode will mean that you can no longer access your data stored against the old if this is the case you will need to Open a Support Ticket and ask the Support Team to transfer the password and/or backup/sync data from current to new keycode.


Once you have activated the new keycode you have about 30 days to do that, i.e., organise the transfer, before the data is deleted.


In terms of getting "the new security code in my phone app" I am not quite sure as to what yo uare referring to and some additional detail as to the message you are receiving, on the phone, would be welcome. Also, which OS are you using on the phone?


EDIT: If you are using an Android phone then there are several other common issues, and this KB Article may help as well.


Next, go to the Account Console and log in.  Once logged in, click your email address at the upper right corner and choose "Manage Users" from the dropdown.


Locate the profile (Email address) you are wanting to use to log in.  Check to make sure that all permissions are set to Access.  If you have WSA Internet Security Plus for your computer, you will need Mobile Security and Password access.  If you have WSA Complete for your computer, you will need Mobile Security, Back & Synch and Passwords all set to access.  If you do not have a license for your computer, and are using only the standalone Android app, you will need just Mobile Security set to access.


If these permissions are not correct, click the little "person icon" at the far right end of the profile you need to edit.  On the next screen, click the Access & Permissions tab at the top.  Adjust your settings here, and while you are here check the key code listed. If you are using the Mobile App as part of the protection you received  with WSA for your computer, the key code must not be expired, and if you have WSA Internet Security Plus or WSA Complete for your computer this key code should match what you are using on the computer application.  If the Key Code expired or does not match the key code for your computer, you may need to Submit A Trouble Ticket for assistance.  Changes to settings in the Account Console can take 20-30 minutes to take effect.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks for your help!
Hi fredricaporter


Glad to be of assistance. I am assuming by your message that something in my post was of use and the issue is now resolved? If not then do post back and we will try to assist further.


Regards, Baldrick
Hello Baldrick


No not resolved yet...  I sent an email to Webroot based on your recommendation that the old license is still on my account and thats why I'm still getting the upcoming expiration message.  In the email I'm asking them to remove the old one expiring in a couple of days so my new one will take effect.  I hope to hear back from them within the next day or so.


Thanks again!
