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A 2 year subscription is the same overall total price for both new and existing customers  :)


.....just renewed so covered for another 2 years :)
Hi rippedoff


Welcome to the Community Forums.


Just to do not need to renew via Webroot if you do not want to.  You are perfectly at liberty to go elsewhere and purchase a new license at a lower than official renwal price is you want is a free market so Webroot can charge what they feel is approrpiate and yo can chose to accept or not.


That said a number of users do take that path and I know it has been fed back to Webroot via our Community Manager @ .


So, if you do decide to go for a new keycode at a lower price you can just enter it into the appropriate place in the software to activate it and as a Webroot subscriber (rather than a Best Buy subscriber) it should take it and commence using the new keycode...BUT a few snippets of advice, if I may:


1. Steer clear of offers on ebay, and check that any on Amazon are sold by Amazon and not a reseller (not saying resellers are not trust worthy it is just that some are not in my experience).


2. You are posting in the Complete forum so you may well be using either or both of the Password Manager and/or Backup & Sync features?  If you are then please be aware that the data held in the Cloud related to those is linked to your keycode and so if you use a new keycode (a) you will not have access to that data anymore & (b) it gets deleted after 30 days post expiry of the keycode it is linked to.


3. So to deal with 2. above you have two options:


i. Use the new keycode and Open a Support Ticket requesting Support to transfer the data from old keycode to new one...remember to provide both keycodes & email address when doing that, OR


ii. continue using the current keycode and again open a Support Ticket but this time ask Support to transfer the time on the new keycode to the old/current one...if and when yo do this with time remaining on the old keycode the new will be added to it and yo will have the number of days = old subscription balance + new subscription, going forward.


Well, I hope that clarifies the position a bit and calms what appear to be ruffled feathers?  No one, least of all Webroot is trying to rip you off...if they where they would not allow what I have advised above.  Persoanlly I always renew my commerical license via Webroot...true you can get some ridiculously cheap deal in places but do ask yourself before this too good to be true/what's the catch.


Anyway, hope that yo sort it out and that we see yo around in the Community in the future.


Regards, Baldrick

To be quite clear:


  • Renewals are always at the normal full price.  This is industry standard, all AV's that I know of do this.  
  • Sometimes there are special sales/discounts that make a new purchase cheaper.  This is also normal.  A new purchase comes with more hassle than a renewal, but of course it is an option.
  • Each customer can decide for themself if they want to take the ease of renewal, or in the event that there is currently a discount on new purchase to take that option.
Hi David, apologies for sot of superceeding what you posted...I looked at my post and decide that I needed to point out the 'hassles' as clearly as possible, and was doing that in edit whilst you were posting about them...:$


Regards, Baldrick


My post was simply my own emphasis to what you posted 🙂  That is why it is so short, just emphasizing a few of your points.


Nice post!


EDIT: If my previous post is taken as a bit rude, my apologies it is not meant to be.  I merely had not yet had my morning coffee and so was just being quick and to the point 🙂
@  Hello and Welcome.


Just to add to the good advice and info you've been given, I feel one must clearly understand the reasons why a vendor will charge more for the convenience which the Auto-Renewal brings, which some customers find ideal. and would prefer to have, in case they forget about renewal etc. They are not too worrief if it's more expensive that way, and don't have the time or inclination to go looking for 'special offers'.


I would prefer to seek out a good discount myself, but many couldn't be bothered etc.


Most large Security Software Companies offer comparably slightly higher-priced renewals.


Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Allow me to add on what Baldrick has said Webroot is the best malware software on the web today, backed by the best support team and staff there is. Baldrick is one of the most knowledgeable members on this forum and his advice is solid. As he mentioned you can purchase you license anywhere you wish but be careful where you go. " The old saying goes you pay what you get for" and your getting the best second to none malware protection on the web today.


@rippedoff wrote:

Thanks for you reply.  However, I don't buy that 'convenience' excuse at all - the only 'convenience' is that it 'conveniently' abuses the customer.  It is a form of abuse - nothing more, nothing less.

Hello rippedoff. Webroot is in no way "abusing" customer loyalty, and a fully provided-for customer care package is more suitable for some users, and is thus provided, albeit at a higher price than the 'offers' which may be available elsewhere, it's inevitable.


There is never any pressure for you to renew in any particular way, and there is the opt-out service also :


Benefits of Uninterrupted Protection?

  • Stay protected against new threats
  • Keep your security up-to-date
  • Save time - we'll take care of all the details!
  • Opt-out at any time

@rippedoff wrote:

I used to be able to access the support team very easily - it was painless. I've tried it recently - hopeless as I can't even raise anything at all - zero out of 10 now - I find very user non-friendly now
The forun is not generally staffed by Webroot employees during the weekend, however the Support system is manned 24/7.  Sometimes response time by Support to a Trouble Ticket may take longer on the weekends.


What problem are you currently having for which you need Support?  Many times we can help resolve issues right here.


@rippedoff wrote:

Why am I being ripped off?  I will not renew my subscription when new customers are being charged a fraction of my renewal subscription for the self-same product.



Thanks for the replies, genuinely appreciate you've taken the time, etc, thanks.



I hadn't noticed, and read your added edit. As was said, we are just volunteers and users of WSA ourselves. Your Marketing criticisms would be best addressed to the company themselves, I'm sure:  Webroot U.S. Contact Information | Contact Us | Webroot



At this time you have made your complaint known, and I will make sure that Webroot staffers see it, but you are also very close to violating Community Guidelines as follows:


Don’t Kill the Mood.

If you are joining the Webroot Community only to defile it, please move on. Or, if you witness someone attacking the company maliciously, Webroot kindly asks that you report the person so that Webroot can restore the Community balance (i.e. kick them out).


I understand you have an issue, and we will make sure that a Webroot staffer sees this and reaches out to you, and listsens to any comments you have as well as helps resolve any issues you have with the product itself, but at this time I would suggest that you refrain from futher comments defiling Webroot and the Products.  You have made your point, but let's keep the Community Atmosphere positive shall we?


Webroot staffers will be online possibly later today, and certainly tomorrow.


@  Can you reach out to this customer via PM?






Well, rippedoff, that is indeed your perogative and I wish you luck in terms of finding a product that provides you with the protection that WSA affords AND does not cross your very particular sensitives about marketing...which I respect as they are yours and you are wholly entitled to them...having said that I very, very much doubt that in the final analysis you will find any comapny providing a top flight security application that is not working /marketing in the same way.


In reality Webroot is way behind the curve when compared to some of the bigger companies in this market (which I will not name so as not to start a polemic).  In addition, if you closely look at any technology-related industry I think that you will find that very much the same occurs everywhere...after all the reseller selling WSA other than Webroot do not only sell WSA at a lower than renewal price from the manufacturer...and I will leave it at that.


If your main gripe is an inability to/a feeling that you cannot express yourself to the right people in Webroot then let me pimg our ever excellent & helpful Community Manager @  (no doubt enjoying a well earned weekend away from work...;)) and see if he can bring his mega powers to bear in terms of either transmitting your views/feedback to the right persons within Webroot or perhaps even putting you in touch with the right audience for your views/complaint.


If you can be aptient and awit the new week lets see what that may bring; hopefully sufficient to persuade you that you are best with Webroot, when this is reviewed calmly and objectively.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick


So why do you feel the need to get the last word!


Personally, I know fully well what is meant by the problems with the texted word rather than the spoken: lack of intonation.  However, I am equally positive the OP in this case knows EXACTLY what I mean by "Kill the Mood", as written in the Community Guidelines.


Comments, suggestions, complaints are of course welcome here, customer feedback is extremely important.  But there is a line that can be crossed between constructive complaints and violation of the Guidelines.  This thread has at times been very close to violating the Guidelines, and if it does I will not hesitate to edit or remove any and all posts within this thread.


Yes... some of us DO have the ability do edit and remove posts.... and we are very restrained in using that ability.  We will not hesitate to use it however if the line is crossed.


Cheers 🙂
Hi rippedoff


No, am afraid that I believe you are very mistaken when you say "It isn't somehow one isolated out of touch viewpoint"...this has been happening long before Webroot was even founded as a company.  I can remember being able to purchase a new version of Norton AntiVirus (when it had the picture of Mr Norton on the box) for under half the price of the renewal offered by Symantec.  And I believe that I could say the same about Dr Solomon (which was bought by McAfee) and Kaspersky, to name but a few.


Webroot is most certainly not leading this approach or influencing other corporation to adopt that sort of marketing.


Respectfully, I think that you need to do a bit more research before expounding such views, to make sure that they are correct.


Regards, Baldrick
Hey @ I do not know about over on your side of the pond, but it is extremely common practice on this side for companies to offer discounts, sometimes steep ones, but ONLY for new customers.  


In fact, many of the telephone landline and cell providers routinely do this, on an every day basis.  Pay close attention to the TV ad they are running with the great "Temporary price reduction" or "Sales Event" or "Special Discount Event" and if you read the fine print at the bottom of the screen almost every single time you find wording specifying the discounts are for NEW subscribers ONLY.  Those who have been a subscriber in the past 12 months or so and changed to a different provider are also commonly excluded.


Just saying.... you are quite right and there is NOTHING strange or unique in terms of Webroot's renewal pricing policies.  


Hi Baldrick,


You misunderstood me - I was talking about a trend in the UK whereby large corporations in their main advertising in high profile tv advertising campaigns they have specifically gone against the marketing you mention, i.e. they have recognised that there is a groundswell of opinion away from that style of marketing - that's what I was referring to - yes there are many (nearly all) that have gone down the marketing road you mention - but in the UK at least there is a current trend by large corporations to advertise that they have changed and broken away from that style of marketing - that's why I said it isn't an isolated viewpoint - i.e. large corporations in the UK have done their homework and committed millions in tv advertising to it.  All the best mate.
Hi shorTcircuiT,


I'm aware of the marketing you mention as being long established, I was in fact referring to a recent trend in the UK at least whereby large corporations have broken away from that style of marketing and deliberately branded/identified themselves  as being 'different' and no longer indulging in that style of marketing - by showing loyal customers being rewarded every bit as much as new ones - and there are a number of large corporations that have jumped on this bandwagon and new trend away from that style of marketing.  I had hoped to steer WR in that same positive direction.


Anyway, I tried to be helpful, polite, helpful again, constructive, and helpful again.  Clearly my best efforts didn't work and in your own case would appear to have taken me as the complete opposite. Those who know me would know I'm the first to help anybody and a couple of years ago now was nearly run over by passing cars and trucks as I tried to help an elderly couple that had just crashed their car at a busy intersection - I was the only one to stop and help. I also hate any form of conflict and would request that all posts by me are deleted in their entirety and that my membership etc is entirely erased/deleted. Thanks and best of luck for the future to Webroot and to all on this forum
Completely disagree with your analysis of the UK market...all these technologies companies do it the same way and will no doubt continue to do so...and I work for one.


Anyway...bottom line is that Webroot is not ripping anyone off...and indeed by the very fact that they offer the service that I mentioned in my original reply to you, i.e., transfer time from a cheaper renewal or purchased keycode, than the one they offer, to the original keycode so that the user is not inconvenienced, when they could refuse to do a testament that they are not looking to rip anyone off.


All the best to you too, mate.


@ wrote:

Completely disagree with you analysis of the UK market...all these technologies companies do it the same way and will no doubt continue to do so...and I work for one.


Anyway...bottom line is that Webroot is not ripping anyone off...and indeed by the very fact that they offer the service that I mentioned in my original reply to you, i.e., transfer time from a cheaper renewal or purchased keycode, than the one they offer, to the original keycode so that the user is not inconvenienced, when they could refuse to do a testament that they are not looking to rip anyone off.


All the best to you to, mate.



The last I heard about Norton 2015 is that they DO refuse to do that Baldrick.  Those who purchased a one year Norton 2014 even a day before the rollout of 2015 must now pay FULL price of the 2015 in order to use it.  No refunds on the 2014, no automatic upgrading, nothing.  Pay up in full or dont play.


