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Is there a way to view like thumbnails when accessing backup and sync pictures from a remote computer without having to open every one to see it. Thank you

Hello deverhart1 and welcome to the Webroot Community!


As far as I know, there is not currently any function that allows image thumbnails.  


Most uses of thumbnails that I know of require that the thumbnail be a separate, miniturized copy of the actual image.  Use of such thumbnail images would use space on the storage space allocation, so I am not sure how well it would work to attempt introducing the availability of thumbnails would be, but you can always make an Idea requesting it in the Idea Exchange.
Actually I just copied the whole file down to the mobile and then I can see what is what. Thank you for your answer

Deverhart1:This is my biggest complaint about webroot backup and sync. i have posted a thread about this problem in the ideas exchange awhile back.I named it viewing pictures online.
