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Hi Guys,


I logged into my webroot tool bar to find that I lost all of my passwords fro all of my saved sites how can I get it back?
Hello there, 


Remembering the post from earlier today, I have a couple of questions.


Did you have one key code expire and you now have a new one?


Do you have more than one User created in the Account Console?


When did you enter the passwords onto the profile that is now appearing to be blank?



Lets go from there 🙂
I was going over the previous posts of yours, and I find one from the end of August, this year.  It seems you purchased a new key code at that time?


If you did not contact Support, as suggested here in your previous thread then I am afriad that as noted there your Password data have been removed after approx. 15 days.


If you have an external backup of your previous passwords, you can import them. but there is no way to recover them.
how can my passwords be erased when my keycode still has 290 days on it and I did call webroot technical support. long before the 15 days were up.
I did not say they were.. I was asking questions.. If's  :)


IF when your old key code expired, you had the account information transferred to the new key code well within the 15 day period, the data would normally be there, however I do wonder about your first post this morning.  Was the User in the condition that I thought it might be?  Did you have to enable passwords on that User earlier today as I suggested?  
I am just a volunteer.. not a Webroot staff or Support.  I THINK that if the User Account in question earlier today did not have passwords enabled, as I suspect is the case, that possibly your password data was lost already at the time 2 months ago, but I really do not know.


When was the last time you were able to log into the Password Manager?
Yes I did and I regained access to the toolbar then I logged out and returned to find my passwords not there
OK, thanks!


If the passwords were there earlier today, and gone now, you might try to reboot the computer.  If that does not work, please submit a Trouble Ticket to have Support take a look.


A few people, myself included, over the last couple of months ended up getting an error in the Console showing us Passwords were expired, when they of course were not.  Support was able to reset it somehow.  Hopefully they will be able to reset yours as well.


One thing you might try, while waiting for support, is to log into the Console, like you did this morning.  Click the TAB at the top for Passwords, and see if you can access them there.  If you can, use the menu on the right to try to use the tools there to create an external backup, just in case.


See my last reply.   Hopefully it will help.


Is there any chance that you are logging in with a different email address?  The Password Manager data is specific to the email address used to log in.  Each WSA-Complete license provides up to 5 User "ID's" that can be used for Password Manager.


Sorry if that is a silly question, I am admittedly 'grasping at straws' hoping to find a simple solution for you!
