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There are a few websites that I get errors on when trying to access. For example, when I go to pay my credit card...I can't get past te login page...when I got to check in for a flight, I can't get past the check in page. I have talked to Best Buy and they said that my Webroot levels may be too high to allow me to access those sites. HELP! What can I lower as far as security? What needs to stay high level? Whaat are the normal levels for a home computer that is used for basic purposes?
Hi FifiZak


Welcome to the Community Forums.


WSA out of the box, i.e.e, installed with no changes to its default settings provide sufficient protection "for a home computer that is used for basic purposes", so if you have not changed them then I am wondering who has, if anyone.


Having said that let's go back to basic and reset to default settings/see whether the problem remains or is resolved by that.  To do so please do the following:


Click on the Advanced Setting button (see screenshot below):



On the next panel opened click on the Reset to default button (see screen shot below):



If asked to enter a CAPTCHA code then do so, and then Click OK when you get the 'Configuration updated successfully' notification.


Close the application panle and retry access the sites that are giving you an issue.  Has that resolved anything?  If so then all well and good otherwise please post back with specific details of the sites concerned and the messages and the like that yo get when you are being blocked, and we will try another course of action.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks you for your quick response. I reset the default settings and am still getting "Page Can't be Displayed" on some sites. The first one I get this with is US Airways. I enter ticket info and it thinks for a bit then kicks back the message. If I click the button to detect or correct, it thinks and then kicks back to the web page and we do the whole thing over again with the same results. Any ideas?
I dont think it has anything to do with us, if we block a site you get a Webroot alert. I would try another browser if it was me. 
Thank you
Hi FifiZak


You are most welcome.  Glad to see that you are sorted.


Regards, Baldrikc
