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I've somehow aquired the malware supportcorner or Nothing I've tried removes it. Short of a complete reinstall, is there anyway to remove it?
Hi Mitche


Welcome to the Community Forums.


If you are seeing alerts then it is probable that your computer is infected with an adware program that displays these types of alerts and other unwanted content. The program responsible for this is what we call, in the Community, a PUA (Potentially Unwanted Application).


These are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-ups, redirect your browser home page, and other behaviour that may slow down the computer and direct ads your way, but they are not actually doing anything bad like damaging files or stealing information. Often they are installed intentionally by you the user as browser add-ons for various tasks such as quick search tools. But they also come with the result of added annoying pop-ups and ads. Other times they 'piggy back' with other software that you installed, or try to 'sneak' onto your system entirely.


The key to avoiding them is to make sure that when downloading apps one does so from the author's own website or one that they have recommended, and not 3rd party downloading site.


WSA does detect and remove many PUA's, and more are being added, but WSA does not detect all of them. A simple browser add-on with PUA behaviour that is easy to identify and easy to remove is not likely to be detected and removed by WSA. Those that are intentionally difficult to locate and remove are. Please see THIS LINK for more information regarding Webroot's stance on these annoying programs.


To make sure that your WSA is checking for PUAs proficiently, it sometimes helps to reset the PUA detection within WSA's settings. For PUA's that had previously been scanned and determined to be OK, but have since been added to detection/removal, you may want to complete the following steps:


  • Open Webroot SecureAnywhere
  • Click on ‘Advanced Settings’ from the top right
  • Select ‘Scan Settings’ from the left side
  • Unselect the option “Detect Potentially Unwanted Applications”
  • Click on the Save button (you may have to enter in a CAPTCHA)
  • Reselect the option to “Detect Potentially Unwanted Applications”
  • Click on the Save button
  • Run another scan with Webroot and remove any items that get detected.
If that does not helps and you feel or consider yourself technically proficient then you can try these steps to remove it from your system.


And if that does not work or you do not feel technically capable then the best thing to do is to Open a Support Ticket & ask Webroot Support to take a look and remove these for you.  There is NO CHARGE for this for valid WSA license holder.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks for the info, Baldrick! WSA removed two malware threats, but the problem is persisting. I'll open a ticket tomorrow, when I have more time to work on the problem. Sunday dinner is calling me right now. 😛
Hi Mitche


No worries...always glad to try to be of assistance. Removal can often be difficult which is why the Support Team are most likely your best option all things considered.


Regards, Baldrick
FYI, the link to open a support tecket seems to be broken. It asks for my email address, then continues to ask for my password. But after I enter my password and click on continue, absolutely nothing happens.


Suggestions on another way to contact them?
Hello ,Mitche,


Sorry to hear this. Looks like Baldrick isn't online. Have you tried using anoither browser to sign into Support? You can Contact Support by phone:


Mon-Fri 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MST)
Thanks! On the phone with WR support right now.
Great Mitche!


Your most welcome! Please let us know how it goes alright? They will certainly take care of you!


Have a great evening!
Wow. Great support! Started with Kyle, who determined it was beyond his level of support and forwarded me to Sr Tech Alex. Alex spent over 2 hours fixing the problem. I could not believe how persistent and tenacious he was! He spent an hour just cleaning out the registry, among other things. Kudos to both of them, but especially to Alex!


Still not sure how it got on there, but it apparently came in through a program called One System Care. That loaded a DNS Unlocker, among other things. It even set multiple events in the task scheduler to reinstall itself if part of it was deleted. It was a very persistent little bugger.


I'm fairly computer literate, but I could never have cleaned it out, even following instructions from online. My compliments to Web Root's support team! And thanks to Baldrick and Sherry here in the community!
Why hello Mitche,


Wow you had a doozie didn't you? Thank you so much for reporting back to us and letting us know the awesome job that the Support team did for you. They are the best aren't they? Thanks for your patience and hanging in there.



And you are certainly always welcome!:D
@ wrote:

Wow. Great support! Started with Kyle, who determined it was beyond his level of support and forwarded me to Sr Tech Alex. Alex spent over 2 hours fixing the problem. I could not believe how persistent and tenacious he was! He spent an hour just cleaning out the registry, among other things. Kudos to both of them, but especially to Alex!


Still not sure how it got on there, but it apparently came in through a program called One System Care. That loaded a DNS Unlocker, among other things. It even set multiple events in the task scheduler to reinstall itself if part of it was deleted. It was a very persistent little bugger.


I'm fairly computer literate, but I could never have cleaned it out, even following instructions from online. My compliments to Web Root's support team! And thanks to Baldrick and Sherry here in the community!

That's fantastic, @! I've shared this with our Support Team Leadership :robotvery-happy:
Hi Mitche


Glad to hear that you were looked after by the Support Team...they are brilliant, aren't they? And they are acknowledged as amongst, if not the, best in the business.


Regards, Baldrick
Agreed. I particularly liked that English was their first language!


Thanks for your help!
