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I am running

  Windows 10 on a desktop HP-Envy 700-074, no touch-screen.

  Firefox 41.0b5, it just upgraded.

Now the Webroot icon is gone and the add-on says, "Webroot Filtering Extension could not be verified for use in Firefox and has been disabled"

  Maybe my subject question is too specific, maybe I should ask, "How do I get Webroot Secure Anywhere to work in Firefox 40?"

The icon in the instructions simply isn't there...

Hello KDBambergr, welcome to the Comuunity!


The 'signing' of an extansion is not something the end user can do.  This is something that can be done only between the extension creator and Mozilla.  The reason Firefox is now asking for this is that Mozilla has issued a new version that requires elements to be 'signed', 


Webroot is aware of the issue, and is working to correct it with Mozilla
Hi KDBambergr


Welcome to the Community Forums.


EDIT: Ah, I see that David is STILL burningthe past midnight oil...and has gotten there first. ;)


I am afraid that at the moment Webroot Development are still working on getting this sorted out, and given that the issue is the result of a policy change by Mozilla, this is taking some time.


Having said that we do have a temporary fix for the issue the details of which you can find here. This does involve a little manual 'tweaking' but this is relatively easy to do so hopefully this will sort you out until such time as an official solution is available.


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
I was directed to this post through Google and see it is 8 months old and the answer was never posted.  I am having the same problem with Firefox,, what's the workaround??  what's the fix?  I am fairly computer literate, please post the fix.


The other question is, why can't Webroot get this software verified by Firefox?  WR has known of this problem, for how long?  
Hi rd52


Apologies but the details of the fix where posted by me in my last post in this thread and where accessible from the HERE in that post. Unfortunately, I did not, as I have done now, highlight and embolden the link.


As you can see that has now to get hold of the details please click on the link above...and if you have any follow up questions please post back here.


Having said that the the issue should have been fixed in a subsequant release of WSA so please check that you are running the latest version (v9.0.8.73) and if yo are not then pleae right click on the WSA notificaiton tray icon, select 'Check for updates' and allow the local client to update.


Again, apologies for the initial 'lack of clarity'. :(


Regards, Baldrick
Baldrick, thanks for the quick reply, but the fix is not for the Webroot Filtering Extension.  It is Webroot's password manager.  I like seeing the checks in the search.  It still works in Chrome, and IE but not Firefox.  I have used WOT (Web of Trust) for a long time and liked seeing the WR check marks also.  Do you know of any similar programs as the Webroot Filtering Extension that would work in FF?  I am not interested in the password manager, I want something similar to WR's Filtering Extension and Wot that work in the search pages and act as a warning of malicious sites.


As a side, your screen name should of, could of,  been my screen name.  My name is Rick and as I get older there is a definite thinning of the hair.  


Again thanks Baldrick for the rapid reply.  
Hi rd52


Apologies for that...I was just responding to the issue with the previous email and did not spot the sub text.


OK, we have a work around which guides you into creating a suitable .xpi file containing the latest Webroot Filtering extension. Please see this KB Article for the details, and pay no heed to the fact that it is entitled as referring to Palemoon...the method works will all Mozilla derived browsers be that Palemoon, CyberFox, Waterfox and of course, Firefox.


I have used this very succesfully (as I use the portable version of the browsers which are not official supported re. the extensions) and I know that it works.


Any issues or follow up questions then please post back here.


Regards, Baldrick
Thanks for the link, but it did not work.  I still get the "Webroot Filtering Extension could not be verified for use in Firefox and has been disabled", whenever I tried to install the new xpi file.  Thanks again.
Hi rd52


What version of Firefox are you using? I am using v44 and I am not having the issue that you are describing.


If you are not running the latest then please upgrade and return the work around.


Regards, Baldrick
My version of FF is 44.0.2, according to Revo it was updated on 2/11.


I have tried it numerous ways. Following the instructions I created the xpi file and tried to drag and drop them into FF's extension page. I alos tried using FF installer, didn't work. I tried with the computer's existing SocketServers files in their normal location and also hidden. Nothing worked. There is alos a META-INF file in the computers files, I tried with and without it in the created xpi file. I have enclosed a screen shot of FF when the SS files are exposed on my computer. You can not even delete the extension. I tried in my administrator acct as wellas my std acct. When I create a folder in WR's SS location and put the files in it, the WR extension disappears. I have enclosed two screen shots, they are both of the same things, FF's version number, my computer's SS file, and also showing the extension page in Firefox. I do not do much searching in FF, I mostly use Chrome-64 as much of the time as possible. A couple of sites I frequent use the NPAPI plugins, for them I use FF.


I have recently deleted and re-installed WR Secure Anywhere on 2/27.  I really do not know when this problem started, most of the time I am using Chrome.


Thanks again. rd

Hi rd52


OK, from what you have posted it looks like you have tried all the right options with no success so at this stage of the process I would say that you best option is to Open a Support TIcket as the Support Teram really need to look into this for you and advise as to the next course of action/approach.


Give that a try and please let us know what they come back to you with in reagrd to this. Such feedback is very useful to us going forward.


Regards, Baldrick

Thanks Baldrick, I did start a support ticket.  I'll let you know what comes of it on this thread.

Thanks, rd

Thanks for letting us know, is feedback from these hard to fathom issues that does help us improve and help others who come here in the future with t either the same or a similar issue.


Many thanks in anticipation, Baldrick
Hi, I said that I would repost the cure.  I do not have one.  The problem miraculously resolved itself.  I contacted support, and when they got back to me, asking me to use their gathering  utility, I found that it worked.  I had hidden the files within the 'Socket Filter' folder, and when asked to test my system, I took them out of hiding, and the Webroot Filter Extension now worked.  Nothing was done on my end, like I said it just magically started working.  The following is my explanation to WR support which has a few more details..


"When I noticed that I had the problem on March 2, FF is not the browser I usually use for searching, I had tried numerous ways suggested to fix suggested by Baldrick in the forums. I think I detailed them in my original post to you on March 3. On 3/2 when I could not get the filtering ext. to work right, I created a new folder in the "Firefox/Secure Socket Server" and put the four folders and 2 files in it so I wouldn't have to see it in Firefox. (folders: Chrome, locale, META-INF, skin, and the files chrome manifest and install.rdf.) I think on the fourth I noticed that the extension had re-appeared in Firefox, but it was still disabled, non-functioning. So I went to my "Firefox/Secure Socket Server" and discovered that the files I had put into the new folder had re-generated in their proper location, they were re-made on the third. Even though they were re-generated the extension still did not work in Firefox. Since the extension did not work in FF, I put the newly generated files in my created new folder. Which brings me to this, today I got your response, so I went to my created folder, took the 6 items out of it and put them back in their proper places in preparation to gather the info for you. Miraculously the extension now works in Firefox. If you would still like me to gather the information, even though it now works, let me know. I don't know how it works now, or why, I did nothing, did you at WR? Perhaps FF did, like I said I didn't do anything, and today it is working. I had taken a few screen shots and posted them in the forum "" of the notification in FF, and the files on my computer. Again if you want me to run the gathering app, let me know. it's not a problem. Also if it starts misbehaving again, I'll let you know."


I completed the scan that support wanted and sent it back to them.  They didn't really offer any advice other than saying they were glad that it now worked.   Nothing I had done worked, I don't know why it now works.  Sorry I can't offer any cures for others who have the problem.  


I also wanted to say thanks to Baldrick for her help, thanks BR!
Hi rd52


Well, Baldrick...he...thanks you for your kind words. ;)


I would just go on to say that sometimes that is how it pans out...we try numerous thinsga dn nothing seems to work and then...just like does.


Anyway, glad that you are sorted.


Regards, Baldrick
